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New Fg Xr6t Drive Away Price


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2008 plate. Nitro, auto, premium sound, tech pack, 36300 drive away.

Employee discounts make buying Fords like shooting fish in a barrel. :spoton:

I was offered the same car but in sensation for 35117 drive away at knox Ford, but I wanted the nitro unfortunately. Anyone in the market for a turbo in sensation should head down to knox ford should head down there asap - the lady sounded like she was gonna jump off a bridge if she didn't sell soon!

Edited by bunna
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just bought my new fg xr6 turbo yesterday..sedan

$44k driveaway...leather, 19s, tech pack, premium sound, zf auto

stoked...just waiting to pick it up

Just curious which state/city you scored this deal in? I'll be looking on the Gold Coast soon and sometimes it sux getting deals there


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I had a look at a demo and secondhand 2008 FG yesterday in Dash... one demo manual with leather and premo sound for $44k with 9,000kms, one secondhand auto with no options for $42k and 15,700 kms !!! they didnt have any new ones coming for a few weeks at least so didnt bother with a price.. Perth prices are defo on the crack !!!!

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Poor quality? that's what they do down at Fishermans Bend. FG quality is on par with the Aurion at the moment (that's a quantitative statement, rather than qualitative). Customer satisfaction for the FG sedan is extremely high.

The Ford of 15 years ago doesn't exist anymore (well, not at the source, dealers are a different matter). Its now up to marketing to help the public realise this, as the common perception still seems to be otherwise unfortunately.

You gotta be joking Bunna. I would never buy an Aurion, but there is no way that the FG build quality compares to one. Customer satisfaction is naturally going to be higher for the FG considering most of the buyers have probably come out of aging Commodores or BAs. The FG quality is an improvement on both of them IMHO, but not that much improved.

I test drove an FG Turbo manual when they were released and it had wicked drive line shunt. I've had 3 FG loan cars, 1 for a week and although it grew on me after a couple of days, each one of them, none with over 1500 klm, still had the complimentary Ford rear end thumps and bumps and interior rattles.

I'm not putting crap on the FG as it has grown on me, but the QC and the car in general is not that much improved over the BF, its just a new model that's all.

The Ford dealers of 15 years ago are still very much alive and well, but at the end of the day if you have a warranty incompetent Ford dealers can be put down to annoyance and inconvenience.

Edited by hypnodoc
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  • Member For: 21y 10m 20d
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Just curious which state/city you scored this deal in? I'll be looking on the Gold Coast soon and sometimes it sux getting deals there


I know where you can get a BF Typhoon for a bargain price atm !!!!

Big AL

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I know where you can get a BF Typhoon for a bargain price atm !!!!

Big AL

Hehe I'm actually looking for a manual but thanks. Definitely a better deal than most other Typhoons out there so you should be able to sell quick. FG XR6T seems to be about on par with performance so for a little extra, I'm thinking it might be worth just going for one of those

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^^^ I has a manual that may possibly be for sale!!!

Drive to the gold coast for a test drive? :stupid:

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