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New Fg Xr6t Drive Away Price


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The only reason all of the import brands are raising prices is because of the fall in the dollar, which ford as a local manufacturer (for falcon) is not affected by very much.

Honestly - what a ridiculous assumption. The dollar is exactly the reason prices are going up. A large number of falcon/territory components are sourced internationally, which means costs go up. Ford are under no illusions about the current market and financial situation, and reduced margins wouldn't exactly help in that respect.

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Honestly - what a ridiculous assumption. The dollar is exactly the reason prices are going up. A large number of falcon/territory components are sourced internationally, which means costs go up. Ford are under no illusions about the current market and financial situation, and reduced margins wouldn't exactly help in that respect.

Geez, ease up there bud. I said they werent affected by very much, I didnt say not affected at all. Still 2% is alot to raise it by stating the fall in the dollar as the reason. I mean Toyota and Mitsubishi are raising prices by 2.4% and 2.5% respectively, while Nissan is raising prices by between 2% and 3% and they all import the whole car! The Camry and Aurion that are built in australia, are getting no increase at all.

At the end of the day, with what some would argue a poor quality product, with extremely bad after sales support, raising the prices of their cars by 2% is not going to help them win any sales races.

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The Aussie dollar since June (about 7 months ago) has devalued against the US dollar by 35%.

2% rise is probably not the end of the world!

If it backfires and it scares even more people away from buying a car... then you might do a lot better than $50k!

I wouldn't hold my breath though.

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Do you ever have anything good to say about the Brand of car you drive?

Expensive Daewoo do what they want with their prices, and so do ford. Good luck to the bloke that wants to trade his R8 in two years - it's gonna be worth 20K if he's lucky

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g'day gents, new to the forum and wondering what everyone else has been paying for their fg xr6ts.

My best quote so far is $50,000 drive away from a Ford dealer in Perth.

this includes:

- luxury pack.

- prestige paint.

- stamp duty.

- 6 months rego.

- scuff plates.

- mats.

They say vehicle prices are going up by 2% in march.

Test drive tomorrow!!

Don't bother with a FGT... FG F6's at Lane Ford Mandurah have for $59k drive away :thumbsup:

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