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grrrrrrrr, anyone else been able to find the map pack in the playstation store. I got the map pack and new version downloaded automatically the other night, get the message to visit the store to purchase the map pack but can't bloody find it. WTF!!

JetFPV, Still having that trouble joining your games when a request is sent, only a few times it works so not sure why that is. Hopefully my connection will be a bit better as of monday night, finally got the craps with optus so am going with telstra. hopefully that will make it a bit quicker.

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Dont go Telstra as your ping will be crap as, trust me as both my nephew was on it with crap ping and jumpy gaming and now thanks to my old man not listening my little brother also gets sh*t ping and crap play with Telstra! Even when I host a private match with him he is all over the shop!

Which COD do you have? 4 or 5 as the map pack to purchase for COD4 is still on the PSN but there is no extras for COD5, it just auto updates when you load the game (Makin Day map).

Anyone on Telstra nowadays are fools and enjoy getting raped of there money, seriously...

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I'll correct myself now and say the COD5 update is V1.40 and no you cant get the map packs on the PSN yet!!! Gonna do a search now to see why not but assume its because Aust PSN sucks balls...

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Ok, I found this on another website-

A few days ago I noticed that an old story about the Call of Duty: World at War map pack was suddenly receiving a huge amount of hits.

A lot of the visitors were leaving comments asking when the Map Pack 1 would become available and I just presumed the PSN store was slow in updating as all the visitors were coming from outside of the States and mainly from the EU and Australia.

Well I shot of an email to Treyarch (the developers) but unfortunately it’s the weekend and I haven’t received a response yet so here is what I have been able to piece together from some research on the Internet.

1. The Map Pack 1 is out and available for most people

2. To find it you must go to [Add Ons] –> [Disc-Based Games] –> it’s the 6th one down.

3. If you live in Australia the maps have been delayed by a week, I can’t find any reason for this. Same story for Ireland.

4. Don’t download the US one as it is also apparently region locked.

Okay that’s it, if I find any more information or some official comment I will let you know.

Link for more- http://ps3.rocktheconsole.com/stubs/190276...nsoleheader.php

Dirty, Dirty, *beep*...

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  • 2 weeks later...
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8th prestige rank 33-34 now and still goin hard, havent had a chance to play new maps yet but I have them just been busy with family, look forward to finally getting to 10th prestige and then I can slowly complete all the challenges as I hear Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 is coming out end of year, some of the weapons are changed though such as P90 and some other, so some new rifles and new guns aswell.

I look forward to that.

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You can post here of what you think they should have or change in the game- http://twitter.infinityward.com/leaderboard/replies/

10th prestige, f uck that, once is enough!

As far as the map pack goes for ps3 they are being dirty because if you dont have it and it loads the map pack stages you get kicked from the group unlike cod4 where it just doesn't load the stages altogether so no problems. Its bsically forcing people to buy it or get screwed over, AGAIN...

Cant wait for all the drop outs etc like what happened in cod4 when they released cod5!

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I really cannot be fukd goin thru prestige man... lose everything and go back to the beginin... f*ck that. cant wait for the new modern warfare but, much prefer that over world at war altho the tanks are I <3 Bananas mad

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  • 4 months later...
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I really cannot be fukd goin thru prestige man... lose everything and go back to the beginin... f*ck that. cant wait for the new modern warfare but, much prefer that over world at war altho the tanks are I <3 Bananas mad

Im long ago 10th prestige now.

Was nothing different just be able to have extra classes which sometimes comes in handy, the new map pack 3 out is pretty good some nice maps.

The new modern warfare 2 is going to be insane I hear it will be on sale in 3 styles, 1 is regular modern warfare 2, then there will be modern warfare 2 hardcore edition, and then there will be the modern warfare the big box which is supposedly a few hundred dollars but come with real working night vision goggle such as the army use.

Call of duty 4 has been hacked I hear with people flying around in the skys and walking through fences and buildings its become rediculous.

Cant wait for modern warfare 2 now.

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I Pre-ordered the modern warfare 2 game on thursday night, the only difference with the 3 different editions, is basically the stuff they give you with the game itself, I picked up the collectors edition through GAME for $120 the prestige edition was $200 and it was sold out. Only reason I got collectors ed. was because it was the same price as the standard version anyways... coming out in november, and I'm hangin for it... :secret:

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