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Fg Xr6 Turbo Brakes Ok?


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Hi all,

The time has come to replace my current ride. It's no longer a tax deduction.

I took an FG XR6 Turbo for a spin and liked the car. I need a bit of info on 2 POINTS and hope one or more can help.

1.) Fuel economy. How many L / 100 km's can I expect from an FG XR6 Turbo MANUAL. AROUND TOWN. That's where it's gonna do most of it's work. I know it depends on driving style. Maybe you can tell me fuel economy when going with the flow and also cut and thrust (you-know: when the road is clogged with &^*%$'s in the right lane, 10 km/h UNDER the speed limit; and on their mobile phone!). Also (out of interest - what sort of economy on the open road?

2.) I used the search function but did not get the answers I'm after. Some of the motoring press questioned the brakes on the FG XR6 Turbo. Any feedback from FG CR6 Turbo owners? If the brakes are regarded as marginal, any suggestions for a reasonably priced upgrade? Does the Territory have bigger brakes that will fit? Any feedback on the PBR upgrade? Does it make a noticable difference? How much bigger are the PBR rotors? What's in the kit? Is there a better option?

I currently drive an SV8 - anybody wanna buy a few slightly used HSV T shirts (size FB)


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For stock brakes and everyday driving they are ok, push them hard and they dnt cut it.

The PBR upgrade is quite expensive, you might aswell buy 4 piston brembos for that money. Well they might be a tad more but hey why not. THere's alot of good deals to be had on the forums and on ebay atm, it seems alot of people have dished out big bickies for them and now that things are getting tight they need the $$$ and are selling them cheap.

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The economy in my car is around 12.9L around town in normal flowing traffic. If I drive the car short distances in heavier traffic then it creeps up around 14.4L as the car spends the first 5 min on cold start and doesn't get time to run on an open road with little traffic. Highway driving I can average around 8.9L. If I don't keep my foot off it around town with heavy acceleration then I can see it run about 15.5L.

Now as for brakes mine seem to work fine with city driving and the odd firm applications but if you want big stops from high speed then the standard setup wont be enough. You can't fit Brembos behind the standard wheels so I think I'll be looking at DBA 4000 rotors and ferodo pads. That should be good enough for street use I think.


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Brakes are OK for normal street use and pulling up quick from the occasional blat. I did find that they would start to go with more continued spirited driving through the twisties. I'll get around to changing pads and rotors soonish I think.

As for fuel consumption. I'm sitting on 13.3l/100km, and that's through the suburban peak hrs. It may not be city peak however the roads I travel on are more often than not bumper to bumper, however generally flowing.

EDIT! My ute's a ZFA6, not manual sorry.

Edited by Nolz
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13L/100 for round town average traffic. Low 10's for highway.

Brakes are fine for normal driving and occasional spirited stop or 3. Cheers

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Hi all,

The time has come to replace my current ride. It's no longer a tax deduction.

I took an FG XR6 Turbo for a spin and liked the car. I need a bit of info on 2 POINTS and hope one or more can help.

1.) Fuel economy. How many L / 100 km's can I expect from an FG XR6 Turbo MANUAL. AROUND TOWN. That's where it's gonna do most of it's work. I know it depends on driving style. Maybe you can tell me fuel economy when going with the flow and also cut and thrust (you-know: when the road is clogged with &^*%$'s in the right lane, 10 km/h UNDER the speed limit; and on their mobile phone!). Also (out of interest - what sort of economy on the open road?

2.) I used the search function but did not get the answers I'm after. Some of the motoring press questioned the brakes on the FG XR6 Turbo. Any feedback from FG CR6 Turbo owners? If the brakes are regarded as marginal, any suggestions for a reasonably priced upgrade? Does the Territory have bigger brakes that will fit? Any feedback on the PBR upgrade? Does it make a noticable difference? How much bigger are the PBR rotors? What's in the kit? Is there a better option?

I currently drive an SV8 - anybody wanna buy a few slightly used HSV T shirts (size FB)


I have clocked up about 19,000km on my FGXR6t and can say the brakes are fine for road work. The only time you would fine them inadequate would be at track day hairpins like turn 2 or 9 at Eastern Creek for example. If you want to upgrade, look at some better pads like EBC Green at the back or even EBC reds up the front. Possibly some DBA rotors too, but only if the current rotors are worn. Next step up would be some 4 pot Brembo's up the front. Ask around because their have been some specials popping up.

With regard to fuel economy, how long is a piece of string? :) Ford states around 11.7l/100km which surprisingly is a fairly accurate estimate. During a few trips to Lismore and Armidale NSW from Sydney, I have recorded 8.9 but expect around 12.5 for traffic as long as your tyres pressures are not too low.

Edited by nelsonian101
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Hi Guys,

I fitted DBA slotted rotors to my Commonwhore SV8. Be careful what pads you use with DBA rotors.

I phoned DBA for advice on pads when I bought their rotors. The DBA tech advisor warned me that some pads are not real good at disipating heat, leading to extra heat in the rotors that can cause cracking. Contact DBA if you want to check my memory. http://www.dba.com.au/contact.php

Heading the advice, I fitted a set of heavy duty Bendix pads. They grip well when they're warm but they're a tad ordinary when they're dead cold for the first stop in the mornings.


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Was waiting for Mr Positive to pop his head up.

Compared to anything else on the market in this price range, they are awesome.

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