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Best Driveaway Price For G6et Or Xr6t Luxury

John C

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There is no new stock as everyone wants to get a car before the FY ends and get the 50% stimulus bonus for businesses.

A car dealer client of mine has 10 franchises and wrote 40 contracts today. They have no stock on the floor and people are taking anything.

They are also not discounting, so I would wait a bit longer or try some eastern state dealers.

Once the FY ends, you will see some dealers more likely to do a deal. I also think the price you have been quoted is RRP and they are not doing anything for you.

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an example of savings I got on my BF Phoon back in Dec 2006 , had 3300ks on the clock

Options added prior to delivery

Custom Leather


Window Tints

FPV steering wheel

Dark Argent rims 19"

FPV mats ( valued at $200 odd FFS :spoton: )

Drive away sub $54k that said there was a few grand arjie bargie, once the trade in was brought

into the discussion :bangcomputer:

Just stand firm on what you want. What Zapper says makes a lot of sense also

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There have also been some relatively cheap G6E Turbos on carsales .com of late.

(cars under ten thousand klms old for low 40K being sold privately)

Starting to think this is the way to go instead of a fully optioned XR6T


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Hi fellas, first post!

I just ordered mine mid June and I was hoping for $52k buy but as was previously stated but there was none around. I heard there was better deals a couple of months ago prior to the April release (6% better fuel economy or something to that effect) Ford were offering $3800 discount for floor stock.

I looked everywhere for floor stock in Melbourne with the colours I was after and had no luck.

Anyway, I negotiated to $55k with 19s and safety pack in ego and cashmere. Price includes on roads etc. The car will be ready late next week which is extremely quick build time. The best part was most dealers only offered me 29k for the Navara and I ended up with 30.5k to match my payout figure.

I spent 1 day negotiating with 5 dealers and told them the deal is happening today - I paid the deposit that afternoon and I was pleased with the outcome for a days work and have taken advantage of the tax benefit.

I guess the best advice would be to wait until fy09 settles, negotiate to buy outright with a few dealers and then put pressure on for the trade in.

After I test drove one I had to have it!

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I was pleased with the outcome for a days work and have taken advantage of the tax benefit.

I hope you don't mean FY09? Unless you actually took delivery before June 30, the tax advantage will be in this year - FY10. And the benefit is good for all the way to 31/12/09 anyway.

Not trying to start an argument (as has happened elsewhere) just making sure you are up to speed with the rules.

Oh, and welcome to the forums. I don't even own a T anymore and I still hang around!



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Its all good and I am aware the taxable benefit will not be received until next year or in reality the following May when the tax bill is due (5/2011) - which is way down the track. I am only eligible for the 30% because I was over the 50% threshold, but its better than nothing.

I bought some business equipment and had it installed prior to the 09 financial year so I got some benefit this year. If I wasn't knee deep in negotiations for equipment I would done the deal on the car earlier!

Thanks for welcoming me onboard the forum.

One of my best mates owns Jim Mock motorsport who have specialized in the ford inline 6 for as long as I can remember. He egging me on to flashtune the G6E turbo and believes there is no way ford can tell it has been tuned once its flashed back. I have chased around the forums but there seems to be major debate over this. Someone inside ford will know the truth and I cannot wait to find out.

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I probably got screwed last week, but am not too disappointed about it.

Picked up an 08 demonstator with 2000km, tinted, safety pack for $50k with a trade in of my 2007 BFII XR^T with 60000 kms. Seduce in colour, & the missus is very happy with the colour. It also has a rear spoiler, which makes it look luxurious & sport at the same time.

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$44,500 for a brand spanker June 09 G6ET in Velvet with Cashmere interior including mats, weathershields, boot scuff guard and bonnet protector – plus $2,500 in ACT stamp duty and rego. The promo deal I got this through has ended but Andrew from Etheridge Ford in Ringwood Vic will always get you the best possible price without the d!cking around that most dealers love.

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Got mine for 43k flat on road




boot liner

GE mats


extented warrenty(not going to mean sh*t for the motor)

I would have paid more after being a test pilot

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