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Selling The Xr6t To Buy A Gt; L Think L’ll Wait.


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Can you really just cancel the GT order Simon? I thought an order is just that a binding contract. I'm suprised by the lack of interest also as the few second hand xr6t's I've seen at the dealers have quite high prices on them. Good luck buddy still hope to see you in GT STRIPES!

Hi Merc,

Yep l negotiated with the dealer that we could cancel and get our deposit back if we wished. Obviously l was hoping not to need this clause, but at least its there :thumbsup:

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Mondie, IMO probably a good move waiting for either a turbo FPV, or a series 2 GT.

If it's performance you're after rather than the accessories that a GT offers an XR8 with s/c would be cheaper...except for dramas with insurance.

The FPV turbo "if" built by ford/fpv will be a weapon and a half. It certainly will peeve off the GT owners but no doubt Ford will know that a lot of money can be made from it, after all they are a business and that's what the overall aim is. Expect it to be considerably higher than 270kw's too.....it will blow the doors off a current GT.

Then again series 2 will see a few more fruits added to the Boss engines leaving them quite impressive. But series 2 GT, I'm not sure of a date of release...

Hi Rodderz,

Yeah waiting does make sense, but a 290kw V8 is still a nice thought ;)

Tell me, what do you know! Considerably more than 270kw, now you've really got my attention :)

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It really beats me.  l have had the car in the Melboune Trading Post for 4 weeks, the last 2 with a pic, and have had ONE call  .....Its been on carsales.com.au for ages and l have had no calls at all from that. ......mine is probably priced at around 18% of replacement and is 8 months old so is priced right based on that. Take into account the popularity of the T and long waiting lists and you would think l would be beating off buyers with a stick!

Yes you would think so but perhaps your location is a killer Or maybe the thought of "selling after 8 months, whats wrong with it, how hard has he thrashed it" are in the potential buyers mind. Sorry to admit it, but that's what I'd be thinking........until I met you face to face. :D

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  • I see red
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that's really strange Mondie. I was reading one of the Sydney newspapers the other day about the top cars for resale value.

Off topic a bit but I read that article too, I think it was in Friday's Telegraph. What a crock of sh*t it was. Reckons VY Late model camira still has the best resale. Reckons they sell base models (Execs?) for around $34750. Bullsh*t. Seen them advertised as low as $29000. If this is true (don't see how it possibly could be) Expensive Daewoo are just trading on their past name. There is no way the VY can be worth more than a BA, especially as the BA costs more to begin with, not to mention a better car.

/rant off

It will be very interesting to see what/if this FPV-T is all about. Also I'm extremely curious as to whether Ford will bump up the power ratings of all the performance models in Series 2 as they did with AU. I reckon n/a XR6 should get more power over base model XT.

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It really beats me.  l have had the car in the Melboune Trading Post for 4 weeks, the last 2 with a pic, and have had ONE call  .....Its been on carsales.com.au for ages and l have had no calls at all from that. ......mine is probably priced at around 18% of replacement and is 8 months old so is priced right based on that. Take into account the popularity of the T and long waiting lists and you would think l would be beating off buyers with a stick!

Yes you would think so but perhaps your location is a killer Or maybe the thought of "selling after 8 months, whats wrong with it, how hard has he thrashed it" are in the potential buyers mind. Sorry to admit it, but that's what I'd be thinking........until I met you face to face. :D

Yep, all good points Richdave.

But l would have thought if faced with the choice between saving a lot of $ and a 2 hr drive to Sale, or waiting 4 months+ for a T, the decision would be easy for some.

As for thrashing, you face this with all cars, admittedly the T more so, but with over 2 yrs of warranty left l would be suprised if this was a major concern for people. Besides, like buying anything secondhand, you have to meet the seller and feel comfortable with them before proceeding. l have passed on cars in the past because l felt uncomfortable about the seller. May have passed up a perfectly good car, but who knows :crazystuff:

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To not even have half a dozen bites seem's rather strange to me Mondie it's a damn shame as somebodies missing out on a rather excellant deal here.

Just a couple of thought's have you asked the dealer to pass on your number to any potential buyers?

He'd be loosing a sale (that he might loose anway when they find out the wait time) but gaining your larger sale the way it's going.

Maybe word into the ad that your upgrading to the GT as being the only reason for the sale.

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To not even have half a dozen bites seem's rather strange to me Mondie it's a damn shame as somebodies missing out on a rather excellant deal here.

Just a couple of thought's have you asked the dealer to pass on your number to any potential buyers?

He'd be loosing a sale (that he might loose anway when they find out the wait time) but gaining your larger sale the way it's going.

Maybe word into the ad that your upgrading to the GT as being the only reason for the sale.

Thanks Dagabond.

l spoke with the dealer this morning and he too suggested adding "upgrading to a GT" or similar as the reason for the sale. He reckons we still have a bit of time so l think l will give it another 2 weeks in the Trading Post and call it quits if nothing eventuates.

l might call him back and do as you say, see if he can put a potential purchaser onto me. Never thought it would have to come to that :crazystuff:

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From all l have read, mainly over on FF, it seems almost a certainty if you can believe what you read, that FPV will appear at the Sydney Motor Show in October with a warmed version of the T6.

Bring on October-My hands already up :licklips:

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Ive read some papers too. Im sure the papers said the BA has a better resale value than the VY after 18 months, plus I thought it said customers are happy to buy demo model XR6s instead of waiting for there cars.

XR6 or 8 personaly I think if ford bring out a hot T why would GT owners be pissed? Theres more to a car than warp speed. A couple blokes I know have GTs they love the sound of the V8 and really dont care about a faster turbo. Beauty is only in the eyes of the beholder

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Guest Turbomax
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What a bummer, having to keep the "T". Perhaps you could take therapy by installing a Herrod exhaust, suspension and APS Unichip and go hunting for unsuspecting HSV products. This will sure put a smile on your face and transfer the "glums" to the General. 229kW at the wheels equals a grin everyday, and might make you think again about the GT. Can't get enough of the rush..... :D

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