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Ford Engineers Now Able To Detect Flash Tuned Turbos


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Ok.. Clear things up abit.. If the Ford dealership is "Smart". They can work out if ANY ford, BA to FG has been tuned..

Say.. I've got a BA falcon.. The initial factory catch code is A3HA..

I then get my car tuned.

Flash box reads A3HA out of the pcm, and stores it in the "F" position, allowing me to flash it back at any chance to fool ford dealerships...

I take my car to service, Flash Factory tune back in.

Ford Service my car. Ohh there's a PCM update.. They apply A3HD to my car..

I pickup my car, Drive around the corner, and flash my custom tune back in.

Now..... Think what just happened.. The flash box flashes the custom tune back in. It doesnt care what was in it before it overwrote the tune, it only cares if the VIN number is the same.

Come next time I take my car to get a service, When I flash the tune back in, Im flashing A3HA back in...

Ford plug into the car.. Oh there's a PCM update available.... "Checks records" hang on a minute, this car according to our records should already have A3HD

Ford's IDS software does not allow you to backward downgrade a PCM. Its designed very foolproof so any bush mechanic can operate it.

Now, with BF and FG.. They got ingenious with the PCM. And embedded a "Flash Counter" which increments everytime you flash your vehicle. A usual vehicle will only be flashed upto 5 times in its life, maybe 10 times maximum if only ford were applying updates...... If you custom tuned your car, I garentee there will be AT LEAST 10 flashes to setup that one tune.

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dont care what the EXPERTS say. NOTHING will ever succeed the BA mk1. Both for look and headkicking performance and ease to modify. FG - One UGLY UGLY looking mother

Everyones intitled to their opinion arent they :crazystuff:

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  • XXR.64T
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Yep it is true on all BF onwards models.

They can only say an ECU has been flashed without a record on the system, it does not say it has been edited.

I got this froma FPV engineer who worked on finding a way to check the ECU.

that's why you should always buy a BA :spoton: ....

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But the're all out of warranty now so that defeats the purpose. Doesn't matter wether its stock or putting out 500rwkw, if the engine blows your on your own. :spoton:

Even the first of the BF's are starting to come out of warranty now.

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Ok.. Clear things up abit.. If the Ford dealership is "Smart". They can work out if ANY ford, BA to FG has been tuned..

Say.. I've got a BA falcon.. The initial factory catch code is A3HA..

I then get my car tuned.

Flash box reads A3HA out of the pcm, and stores it in the "F" position, allowing me to flash it back at any chance to fool ford dealerships...

I take my car to service, Flash Factory tune back in.

Ford Service my car. Ohh there's a PCM update.. They apply A3HD to my car..

I pickup my car, Drive around the corner, and flash my custom tune back in.

Now..... Think what just happened.. The flash box flashes the custom tune back in. It doesnt care what was in it before it overwrote the tune, it only cares if the VIN number is the same.

Come next time I take my car to get a service, When I flash the tune back in, Im flashing A3HA back in...

Ford plug into the car.. Oh there's a PCM update available.... "Checks records" hang on a minute, this car according to our records should already have A3HD

Ford's IDS software does not allow you to backward downgrade a PCM. Its designed very foolproof so any bush mechanic can operate it.

Now, with BF and FG.. They got ingenious with the PCM. And embedded a "Flash Counter" which increments everytime you flash your vehicle. A usual vehicle will only be flashed upto 5 times in its life, maybe 10 times maximum if only ford were applying updates...... If you custom tuned your car, I garentee there will be AT LEAST 10 flashes to setup that one tune.

If its just a tune and nothing else (exaust, inj etc) I'm sure you could play dumb to the fact that your car had mysteriously lost its 'new' ford tune and the number of flashes, and have no probs, but you arn't going to blow your motor with a stock engine and a flash are you :stupid:

Edited by SAPNEN
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for a start the car would look like it had done x amount of km's while the ecu would tell them the car has sat in the shed and done nothing

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