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G6et Question


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Hello All. I am new to this forum and this is my first post. I recently bought a brand new G6E Turbo. I loved the car and what it had to offer and eventually picked it up for $40k on the road after getting an employee discount price.

After I bought it I found out that it doesn't have LSD and that it is not an option (I just assumed it had the same running gear as the XR6T). It doesn't bother me because the car is still incredible to drive and I have no regrets at all.

That being said, I am now at 1,000kms and am starting to put the foot down a little. I haven't planted the foot around corners, but in a straigh line, with traction control off, the car goes sideways (both wet and dry conditions). Why is this? How can I confirm that it is in fact LSD (apart from doing burnouts).

Apologies if this has been discussed before. I haven't had a chance to go through all the posts.

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Welcome aboard - I did the same re employee price, but spent a bit extra on some wheels :)

Really dont' know the answer to the question other than to confirm unequivocally that the car does not have LSD - there are several threads with people 'bemoaning' the lack of it, so there is no doubt about it.

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I beleive the diff used in the G6ET, although not an LSD, is still quite "tight" so you will find that in low grip situations (or heavy cornering) both tyres will spin. The best way to find out would be to jack the back end up and spin one wheel, if they both go forward then its an LSD (which its not) however if the opposite wheel spins in the opposite direction then it is an open diff

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Definately not LSD if from the factory, it will be a open diff.

To my knowledge the only G6E Turbo getting around with a LSD in it is the Harrod G6ET from Melbourne, which they installed themselves along with a Harrod exhaust system.

I am looking at installing one later down the track when I improve the RWKW but until then, I do not think it would be neccessary as the current open diff will be fine for most people who drive these cars.

My G6ET definately does not go sideways when planting it in a straight line, with TC on or off, and with my top tune, so I don't know why yours would be.

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An open diff will send power to the wheel with least resistance but if all is equal both wheels will spin. I found this will happen mostly in new cars when as previously mentioned that things are tight and close to perfectly symetrical.

I have seen many a single spinner spin both wheels (take offs / sidways around corners etc) just its very unpredictable.

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Thanks guys, I appreciate the feedback. I was hoping that maybe the Broadmeadows factory workers f**** up. Haha. Awesome cars though.

AGENT/glw70: I'm suprised it broke traction too. It didn't break traction when I stepped on it, only when boost came in. Mine has the factory 18's and it was a 15 degree morning, so maybe that's why? Who knows, but I'm not complaining. Maybe its a freak... wishful thinking once again.

How much would it cost to put an LSD in? I'm assuming you would have to if you do any upgrades.

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Got a price for a low Ks BF MkII LSD for approx $800 plus installation.

Both FG and BF MkII LSDs look identical but they do have different part numbers. I have been informed that they are the same, just different part numbers to reflect the different models - dunno but this still has to be confirmed. I am not willing to stuff around with mine just yet as it is only 7 months old and still experiencing some first model glitches.

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Guys, I jacked it up yesterday. It was in neutral, I spun the wheel and the other one went in the same direction (straight). No sh**. I assume this means it is clearly LSD? This is a brand new factory car. I bought it with 20 kms and it was registered the day I picked it up.

I'm at 1,100km and am still running it in, so am hesitant to do a brakie, but I'm too curious so I think I am going to have to now. Will let you know the results.

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