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1st Fg To Have Dashboard Pulled Out?

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Been to my ford dealer 3 times now to have aircon condensate leak fixed, it dumps water in drivers footwell rather than the ground/outside the car.

Couldnt find it themselves after these 3 goes, so had to drive the tech bloke round the block to show him it pissing out on my leg.

Service manager recons, centre concole, drivers seat, steering column and entire dash has to come out for them to seal an intermediate tank for the waste before it meant to exit on the ground.

booked in for this thursday and they reckon I should have it back late friday at the latest.

with all the stuff they have to pull out I`m sure they wont be able to put it all back together properly without giving me some sort of rattle, rubbing issues further down the track, that's from going with previous experiances with numpty dealership mechanics snapping clip in tags etc getting it appart and not fixing it when they put it back together. Also against me is the fact it is the first one this dealership has taken apart, and I`m guessing probably one of the fist in the country. Anyone else had there dash ripped apart by ford yet??

I might be worrying a bit too much but past experiances make me skeptical (spelling) of dealer workmanship with interiors.

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I feel sorry for you and your car welcome to a world of electrical problems and rattles for the life of the car ford service are a pack of fools in most cases :thumbsup:

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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hmmm I think I can relate to your frustration there :P

I might have to give Titan a little snide comment next time im there

"lets just hope I dont need an aircon condensate leak fixed.. id like to be able to drive my car sometime this year"

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  • Go Pies!!!
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Mte suprised that they are saying they will need to pull the dash out.

I had this problem in my F6 BFII and they said its not typical, however not uncommon either... Knew straight away and fixed in about 10 mins!

They is a drain hose and all they do is make sure its unblocked, if it is blocked they replace the hose, simple fix...

Can't imagine the FG being much different/harder to fix... Happened twice in the first 4 months I had the car, and each time quick fix which has been find since...

Hope its not a remove and refit... sounds all a bit to much to me for something so simple!


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I would have thought the same thing, just a hose which runs out to the floor, but what they where telling me is that there is a small tank before the hose bit that runs to the ground which is two plastic "u" shape things one on top of other and its not sealed properly, once it fills a bit, goes above where the top hat sits over and leaks out, if that makes any sense. I thought what a load of bollocks but the service manager did seem genuinely concerned that its a huge job and one he didnt want to be having to do.

but least now I no I`m not the only one to have the problem, will definately check with them that they can check hose first rather than pull whole ute apart, its not like I`m paying for it so they`d be keen for easiest fix first.

Tocchi, I hope your car isnt still there by the time I drop mine in on thursday, but if they are there together, feel free to have a dig.

Edited by tinyplums
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  • Go Pies!!!
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Yeah mate, that kinda makes sense... But I thought that the tank/u shaped thing is located behind the ICC between the AC and the ICC unit... Maybe it different in the FG as the screen is at the top of the dash... and you cant get behind the control panel without removing the whole dash...

Anyways mate, best of luck and I hope it comes back same as factory (without the leaking problem)...

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For a better understanding of what they are doing, ask them to show you a page from the parts manual or workshop manual with an exploded diagram of the area they will be working in.

Might help you with peace of mind.

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