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Internal Wastegate Porting And Flapper Mod


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  • Member For: 15y 9m 15d
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Bloody hell, I took my turbo off and gave it and the actuator to Precision Turbochargers and they did the port, flapper and fitted my new actuator for $250!


Where about's is Precision Turbochargers?? how much did your Actuator cost & what is it eg:12psi or 15psi?

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The closer and cheaper the better, can anyone recommend someone to do the flapper, porting and actuator at a decent price. I havent called mr turbo yet on the goldy but is there anywhere else close to home people can recommend???

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  • Member For: 18y 8m 14d
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Don't know about other places but when MR Turbo ports the wastegate it’s not just to make the hole bigger.

If you get only your wastegate ported what happens is your standard flapper is retained and the hole is bored out to its maximum so it still seals, then the inside of the housing is ported and the angle the exhaust gasses come to the flap are changed / improved and polished.

If you only go to the bigger 38'5mm flapper what happens is the standard flapper is removed. The exhaust housing is put in a mill. A new flapper seat is machined into the housing because the standard seat is not bigger enough for the big flap. The hole is bored out and the new 38.5mm flapper is installed. The hole is bored to suit the bigger flap but the housing is not ported.

MR Turbo quote both of these things as separate.

They also sell the 38.5mm flap valves by them self for other mechanics and exhaust shops to fit them.

If you wanted to get it all done and installed you would have to give them the turbo and ask for: The Big wastegate flap, Porting and new wastegate actuator / can.

Three separate things.

What one person calls porting is not the same as the next guy.

The pictures I have seen on this site have been of the hole been bored but not ported.

They only work on turbos not cars so the turbo would have to be take off and given to them.

whats it worth to get all 3 items done?

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  • Member For: 18y 8m 14d
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im in calamvale (southside).

so you're happy with it? the actuator I reckon I'd attempt but the rest is a bit out of my league I think.

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 17d
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Im at redbank plains mate. Rip your turbo off and rear housing and I'll do the porting and tig in your bigger flapper etc. gimme a call and we'll sort something out.




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  • Member For: 17y 9m 17d
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Mate I tried with a mill at work and the seating surface was too hard to cut into! Flapper I used was 38mm and I tried to machine a new seating surface with a 42mm bit but it wouldnt cut??? I ended up using a die grinder keeping the standard seating surface and then cleaned it up with a small poly-fan. You need to leave the bottom of it flat so the larger flapper doesnt catch. Probably could have got the right bit to machine it but I was in a rush to get it done so I could get my tune. It came up a treat. I have no boost spike and it holds a flat line on my dyno sheet at 15psi right up to redline.





Edited by FPV_Steve
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