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Best Injectors For 300rwkws

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Are the bosch 42lb good to 350rwkw? I dont wanna go over 300rwkw's as I dont want to bust an engine or trans to quickly and its still going to be an everyday/famliy car

I know the siemens are good for over 350rwkws are they overkil for 300rwkws? People say get the 60lb siemens as you always wanna get mor kws but Im not

Would you say the 42lb bosch are better over the 60lb siemens?

What sort of price can you be looking at for either of them? Do they different names or models as in 'green tops' so forth

Do either have any sort of problems/known faults at all?

By getting a lower spray level injector (42lb v 60lb) does that give the tuner more scope to get it spot on?



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for 300-350rwk u will only need 42lb, its as simple as that. on the other hand getting the the 60lb will do the same job, and have a little more capacity. its personal preference in the end mate. both great injectors !!

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for 300-350rwk u will only need 42lb, its as simple as that. on the other hand getting the the 60lb will do the same job, and have a little more capacity. its personal preference in the end mate. both great injectors !!

and probably cheaper if you buy 60lb injectors.

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The 60's are cheaper and leave you scope. But you have already been told this so make your own mind.


I know that they are cheaper-ish just wondered if the 42lbers were BETTER than 60lbers or are the 60's BETTER? or does it make no difference?

All opinions are good to here, with greater info its easier to get confused! :crybaby:

Thanks people

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The only thing a tuner may report is that for some reason on some cars, the idle can be a little rough with the 60's. Some tuners will use a different slope to counter act this however that doesn't seem to always work in every situation. The other problem I envisage is just about everyone says "I don't want more than ...rwkw". But inevitably, they do. So Get the 60's and you'll more than likely never need to change injectors again. The bonus is they are about $200 cheaper for fuel matched sets. Give Chris at RapidSystems a call mate. He was doing an excellent price on flow matched sets not so long ago.

So you know, thousands of people are using the Siemens and not only making great power but great economy too. I've never heard of a single case of one failing??? They're very well priced and they work.

Having said that, if I was 100% certain that I would NEVER need more power than what can be made on the 42lbers, I would use them. Having said that, I went over that limit on my second round of mods. I'm now on my third round and power is beyond what they can deliver safely. I'm already planning on the next round and the Siemens are still in the game, and for quite a while yet.

Edited by straughsberry
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Had the Siemans in my car for about 6 months & cant really fault them.

The car idles a little bit lumpier on a cold start but settles down after a few secs & runs like a stocker.

Fuel economy's bout the same as stock too.

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