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New Years Resolution


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Every year everyone makes one and pretty much every year we get however long into the new year and the resolution is out the window. So in the interest of curiosity and boredum:

1. What is your new years resolution? - To get more healthy

2. Will you achieve it? - im going with no !! (I'll start & stop, start & stop & so the circle go's)

3. How long before you give up? - all together maybe june/july, but prob feb for the first one

I was thinking - to mod the car but that was too easy cos I know that WILL happen :spoton:

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  • Yaris member
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1. What is your new years resolution? communicate better; work & home. Make a deck for my alfresco by myself

2. Will you achieve it? practice, practice & Yes, but with help no doubt

3. How long before you give up? N/A

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I have 3 this year... Although the first one is a continuation from October this year

1. What is your new years resolution? - To get the weight down to 105-110kgs (just shy of 200cm tall and solid build so that's a good weight)

2. Will you achieve it? -Have Cut 80% of the crap from my diet, eating better, cand ontinuing with sport 3 nights a week. Even if one is netball lol.

3. How long before you give up? - Heaviest I've been was 138kgs and im now about 10-12kgs lighter since October, so its good motivation not to give up

1. What is your new years resolution? - Learn how to kite surf!!

2. Will you achieve it? Once the body and fitness are back to healthy levels, I guess I can only take lessons :) Have a pretty good understanding of stuff like that so shouldnt be too hard

3. How long before you give up? - N/A

1. What is your new years resolution? - Work less

2. Will you achieve it? Win lotto

3. How long before you give up? - after not winning the mega draw on January 3rd!

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1. What is your new years resolution? to quit smoking on the 10th of january (no you dont stop at midnight when you are 3 parts to the wind)

2. Will you achieve it? yes

3. How long before you give up? the 11th?

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1. What is your new years resolution? - Loose the spare tyre and keg from my abdomen

2. Will you achieve it? - Yeah cause I have a 6 month old boarder collie who needs walking

3. How long before you give up? - Ive already started ... A couple of weeks ago. So far so good

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  • Just because it is, doesn't mean it should be.....
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1. What is your new years resolution? To run away from home

2. Will you achieve it? probably not (unless we win the 30M :huh:)

3. How long before you give up? 12.05am 1/1/09

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  • Go Pies!!!
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1. What is your new years resolution? Stop spending so much time on here with you all!

2. Will you achieve it? Maybe, but only till the date to give up!

3. How long before you give up? 03/01/09 - give me some time to recover from NYE!

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  • Three pedals are better then two..
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1. What is your new years resolution? To make lots of money, but not piss it all away

2. Will you achieve it? Eventually

3. How long before you give up? Giving up is for people that were to stupid to realize they couldn't do it in the first place.

Edited by Dillz
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