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Obama No Different To Bush


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Obama will have big shoes to fill to get anywhere near the level of incompetence of the Bush administration.

I think Bush will go down as the worst leader the world has ever seen since Hitler.

This moron has used "Terrorisim" to totally change the world we live in.

The world has always had terrorists, but now we have given them a spotlight and invited them to better 9/11.

If we had just gone after Al Quieda(sp?) and not used "Terrorisim" as an excuse to invade 2 countries, life would be much better.

Think about it. We as individuals have never seen such a change in our civil liberties, security and way of life since WW2.

The BS that our governments use now to make changes in laws in the name of "Terrorisim" is unbeliveable.

Seeing how the Doctor Haneef was treated makes me disgusted in our whole way of thinking.

The best way to treat Terrorists is to ignore their actions and use covert methods of undermining and spying on them to rid the world of this scurge.

I hope Bush gets indited for totally F..king up the world and cops a public execution for his crimes. Bush makes Sadam look like a 1st year apprentice dictator.

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bush was there for the oil and to set up new U.S bases in the middle east....iraq in 2003 was much different to iraq in 1991, with the sanctions the UN put on it the military was in tatters and 500,000 people had already died from starvation and lack of medicine. Saddam was an ex-U.S puppet gone wrong but he posed no threat to anyone but the shia muslims and kurds in iraq, not that the u.s gave 2 sh*ts bout them.

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First of all this is not aimed at anyone here or disrespect anyones view of the US leadership nor do I condone all the war and fighting that has occurred.

This is my opinion only.

I myself believe that to do the job of US president would be much harder than people might think and wouldn't be as easy and clear cut as people seem to make out. I think there is much more to making decisions about war and the use of allied forces and almost anyone put into the position of leading a country when all facts are on the table would probably find themselves thinking this is much harder than was first thought.

I choose not to comment on what I think is right and wrong with what has happened in Iraq and surrounding areas as I don't believe I know all the facts to make an educated decision and I don't believe the media really explains factual information to support a correct view point.

I respect others view but think there is much more to this that meets the eye.


Edited by Benny
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bush was there for the oil and to set up new U.S bases in the middle east....iraq in 2003 was much different to iraq in 1991, with the sanctions the UN put on it the military was in tatters and 500,000 people had already died from starvation and lack of medicine. Saddam was an ex-U.S puppet gone wrong but he posed no threat to anyone but the shia muslims and kurds in iraq, not that the u.s gave 2 sh*ts bout them.

Almost everyone the US backs eventually turns on them. First the US backed Iran, they they turned on them, so the US backed Iraq who were fighting Iran, then they turned on them. The Mujahideens were fighting the Russians, so the US backed them, now those same Mujahideens are using US supplied Stinger missiles to blow up US helicopters in Afghanistan. There are numerous other examples of this.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 24d
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  • Location: Sth East Melb

so maybe the U.S should learn its lesson and stay out of other countries business and stop funding terrorism then crying when their project blows up in their face.

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