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Car Cover

Guest Xr6Tas

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Guest Xr6Tas
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the only good car cover has a roof, 3 walls and a roller door.  But not everone has one not even me.

A proper garage would solve the problem for sure. I've considered converting the carport to a garage (only needs 2 walls put up to complete as its half a garage at the moment) but I don’t think I'll be here long enough to justify the expense. Got too many other things taking financial priority. Will have to stick with what I've got at the moment :(

get some fine white pepper and sprinkle it on the bonnet.  Cats always sniff where they lay so it may put them off.

That’s a fair bit of hassle every time I park the car! And the problem is they often just pissbolt over the car rather than taking a seat and chilling on the bonnet. Don’t think pepper is going to bother them much.

Hi Simon,

I'd be finding a different solution to the cover, cause if your car is exposed to wind to any degree you'll find that its constant movement will rub your lovely blueprint leaving you very unhappy.

Actually that's mercury silver but the message stays the same :) Definitely don’t want to risk getting any further scratches.

What to do people?! (Without sacrificing the little furballs to the gods that is :thumbsup::cat:)

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Guest Xr6Tas
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If solid walls are too expensive to fill in the open sides of the carport, why not use some trellis, or similar, instead?

Not a bad idea actually. Could be a bit hard due to the way the carport is designed, but I'll look into anyway. Thanks for the idea.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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That’s a fair bit of hassle every time I park the car! And the problem is they often just pissbolt over the car rather than taking a seat and chilling on the bonnet. Don’t think pepper is going to bother them much.

Cats are reasonably smart (Realy <_< ) They only need to get a nose full of the pepper once or twice and they'll avoid the car.

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Guest HocuSChrisT
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Buy several elephant blankets from say an army disposal store and buy a quantity of flanilet (my appologies for not knowing how to spell), and get a professional sewing mob to engineer it for you, they can line the inside of a large canvas cover with both materials, and it works a treat, I had one made for my Xdubb that I inherited off me Dad, and the paint on it's lasted 10 years so far, it's only acrylic but you wouldn't know to look at it, cept for the absence of orange peal :idea: .

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Guest Xr6Tas
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Cats are reasonably smart (Realy :thumbsup: ) They only need to get a nose full of the pepper once or twice and they'll avoid the car.

Ok. I'll give it a go. Maybe Ford should offer pepper grinders as an option when you order your car :idea:

Buy several elephant blankets from say an army disposal store and buy a quantity of flanilet (my appologies for not knowing how to spell), and get a professional sewing mob to engineer it for you, they can line the inside of a large canvas cover with both materials, and it works a treat, I had one made for my Xdubb that I inherited off me Dad, and the paint on it's lasted 10 years so far, it's only acrylic but you wouldn't know to look at it, cept for the absence of orange peal

Man that's dedication! I'm too lazy to go to all that trouble. Think I'll stick to the pepper (and failing that lattace wall) ideas. Thanks anyway though.

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Guest HocuSChrisT
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Man that's dedication! I'm too lazy to go to all that trouble. Think I'll stick to the pepper (and failing that lattace wall) ideas. Thanks anyway though.

Wheeel, it's all a question of how much you love your car, see, its actualy lazyness on my part getting it made, because, I don't have to buff/polish and treat the car so much. Plus... you can claim the car cover on TAX, just say that your work doesn't supply an undercover car parking area for your car(s). The covers last for donkey's years though, and they last the weather excellently. I've got to get another one made for the new addition to the car family of mine, the XR. Can't wait till It arrives at the dealer, maybe I'll get the site logo made into badges and get them sewn on, and send a sample to the admin to offer in the site murchandise and stuff.

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Guest Xr6Tas
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Can't wait till It arrives at the dealer, maybe I'll get the site logo made into badges and get them sewn on, and send a sample to the admin to offer in the site murchandise and stuff.

Not a bad idea. I'd certainly snap one up providing the cost was reasonable.

In the meantime I'm looking at putting up some lattace to stop the little buggers getting in. And my bonnet got a fresh coat of pepper this morning! (How wierd did I feel sprinkling pepper on my XR! :crazystuff: )

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Guest HocuSChrisT
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Well I found a place in Townsville, that I usualy get to sew up and engineer all my Army field gear. They do canvas and other industrial jobs, so, I'll fetch a quote from them as soon as I can, but I need to get home from Timor obviously to measure up the beast.

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