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Car Cover

Guest Xr6Tas

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Guest Xr6Tas
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Thanks to two furry little bastards we recently acquired, I keep getting grotty little paw prints all over my nice shiny paintwork! The little pricks seem to sense when I’ve just finished cleaning up my car and of course feel it’s their duty to run all over the paintwork leaving as much mud and paw prints as is physically possible!

I don’t have a garage, only a half sealed carport with roller door (which the little critters can still get into) so there's no way of keeping them out short of sawing their legs off.

As much as I hate car covers, I think it’s the only solution that will keep my paintwork looking nice throughout the week. I had a brief look for one at K-Mart yesterday (this is not something I want to spend big bucks on) but all of them had very abrasive surfaces which I’m afraid might scratch the paintwork with repeated use.

Does anyone else here use a cover? If so can you recommend a good one to check out? Preferably a waterproof cover with soft lining that doesn’t cost the earth!

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I can tell you what NOT to get - Autotechnica. Cost about $90 and is s#it. It's made of a sorta plasticy substance, a little like the blue packing strips that you can use to break into cars (not to steal, only if you leave your keys in there!). This cover put scratches on my car. :cussing:

I don't think you will find any waterproof ones thta don't scratch. Repco have some plain cloth ones a bit cheaper that don't look too bad, can't recall brand name though. I know a guy that uses them on his cars (Maloo ute and trick V8 Volvo) and he's pretty fussy.

Edited by Falchoon
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the cheapest and most humane option would be to buy a couple of bullets and gift rap them in a gun and give it to the little b!@#$%s. :thumbsup:

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Guest Xr6Tas
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the cheapest and most humane option would be to buy a couple of bullets and gift rap them in a gun and give it to the little b!@#$%s. :thumbsup:
Wrap it in Glad Wrap smear it with Super Glu......

You guys need help! :bookworm:

I’ve been tempted to do burnouts on their heads as a solution, but I don’t want to spray guts all over the back of the car :sick: (don’t have mudspats yet), and they're actually kinda cool little dudes when they’re not sitting on my car, or clawing my sofa and speakers, or pissing on my lounge room rug, or costing us heaps on catfood.. Actually I take that back :oops:

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the cheapest and most humane option would be to buy a couple of bullets and gift rap them in a gun and give it to the little b!@#$%s. :thumbsup:
Wrap it in Glad Wrap smear it with Super Glu......

You guys need help! :bookworm:

I’ve been tempted to do burnouts on their heads as a solution, but I don’t want to spray guts all over the back of the car :oops: (don’t have mudspats yet),

Hehehe :lol:

Dont forget the photos after the wheelies :lol:

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I use a kenco cover after I have polished it only.

I have found that the kenco covers get dirty very easily and you have to be careful.

I also use a Aunger Xtrashield (I think) on top, mine is kept in a carport as well.

there are absolutely NO scratches on my car caused by this car cover.

The Aunger one is waterproof, but condensation does build up underneath it, so let it air off regulary.

hope this helps.....

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  • Flaccid Member
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No matter which cover you use make sure the car is spotless before you put it on, dust uder the cover will roll around in the wind and leave little circular scatches on your roof...... :angry:

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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IMO - the only good car cover has a roof, 3 walls and a roller door. But not everone has one not even me. shoot the cats OR get some fine white pepper and sprinkle it on the bonnet. Cats always sniff where they lay so it may put them off.

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Hi Simon,

I'd be finding a different solution to the cover, cause if your car is exposed to wind to any degree you'll find that its constant movement will rub your lovely blueprint leaving you very unhappy. What about a net strung tightly just above roof level, maybe a pain to install but I think you should avoid at all costs any material touching you beast.


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