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Breaking Down, Dropping Cylinder


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What about water in your spark plug cavity ?? we did have some big rain over the weekend, actually that only happens to dumb cnts with drift bonnets :puke:

hehe. Na, no water in there. Dry as a bone

could be a dirty solenoid on the cams. can send faulty signals and f*ck with your cam timing

Yeah ok. Something to look at as well.

I just came back from 45 mins of testing. Tried various throttle positions through 1st, 2nd and 3rd and from various starting RPM. It didn't miss a beat and ran sweat as bro. So it is definitely intermittent. Hmmmmmm. I hate these intermittent problems...

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Intermittent problems are the hardest to diagnose! good luck with it.

I doubt its the Cam solenoids but, cos even if the cam position was wrong, it should not break down in spark..

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Intermittent problems are the hardest to diagnose! good luck with it.

I doubt its the Cam solenoids but, cos even if the cam position was wrong, it should not break down in spark..

Yes, very frustrating. I did some more testing tonight. Throttle about 50%, entering highway so could hear the zorst off the armco. Got to about 4500 in 2nd and a slight pop then it was breaking down but didnt loose a cylinder. Again, not as bad as before when the coils where stuffed. About an hour ago I took a mate who owns an SS for a drive. Not gving it much more than about 60% throttle and pop, pop, breakdown lossed a cylinder again. As before, a few seconds later it came back and all is good.

what did you gap your plugs too, could be breaking spark.

I've tried both V-groove copper and irridiums pre-gapped to .8.

I'm not running that much boost. It made the power at 16.88 psi but that's as much boost as it would make. I haven't got a boost gauge so I'm not sure how much extra boost it is making on a cold night. It is definitely making more boost at night so I don't know if that may be another factor.

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I haven't got a boost gauge so I'm not sure how much extra boost it is making on a cold night. It is definitely making more boost at night so I don't know if that may be another factor.

It won't be making any more boost than normal at night. If anything, it will be making less boost to produce the same power due to cooler air.

When air is cooler it is more dense and can make more power than hot air. This might allude you to thinking it is running more boost.

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  • It's not a MKI!
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If it is not governed it will keep compressing until something either blows or seizes.

But the ecu will back it off before it can make more pressure because it doesn't have too to make the same amount of power.

Same thing applies to naturally aspirated engines.

They always run better at night or when the ambient temp is cooler.

Same principle. Air is more dense and therefore doesn't need as much fuel to make the same amount of power.

Does that make sense?

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  • Member For: 17y 6m 21d
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I know any combustion engine makes more power when the air intake temps are colder. In theory what you say is true. In reality peak PSI can creep up a little when the air is colder.

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