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Finally Got My Ute!


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ok guys after years of waiting a months of looking iv finialy got my ute, pick it up friday its an 07 in toxic, manual 33,000ks stock apart from been lowerd, I will be getting straight into it with the mods and as iv read the best place to start would be the clutch, I am after around 350/400wkw will the mal wood option 3 be sufficient enough? and where abouts in sydney would be a good place to get in installed and how much should I expect too pay?

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Congrats on the purchase mate, get some pics up when you get it.

The Opt3 will handle that power, but if you intend on racing it at the drags often, you should maybe look into getting something a little tougher

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will post pics as soon as I get it mate, so the option3 sounds good then, I have around 7/8grand to spend on mods so does this sound right

flash tuner $500

XFORCE system from ebay $1500

mal wood3 with install lets say $2000

siemens deka injectors $470

rapid systems v3.5 $2190 ( will this do or will I need the v4.0 with the plenum?)

tune $ ????? how much should I expect to pay from cv performance as I think I will be taking it there

fuel pump still dont know what setup will be best?

is their anything els im forgetting and can anyone give me any advice on a better way of doing it please, thanks

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Congrats on the purchase Luke... Exciting times huh!

Iv recently had a few mods thrown on my ute. Click here for details on the mods that I chose that got me pretty near the 350 mark.

You really need to decide if your gonna chase 350 or 400. Eg, for 350 and probably a bit over the RAP1D 3.5 kit will do fine, but if your really chasing 400, it would be advisable to get the V4 kit with the plenum. Others have made 400 with the stock plenum in the past, but to make the power more efficiently with less stress & boost on the engine, the plenum would be a good idea.

With the fuel pump, you should be ok to run a Walbro intank replacement. Luckily for us, the utes are a little more forgiving than the sedans for fuel surge so its not quite as necessary to run one with the utes however, again if your chasing higher numbers it would be advisable to run an 044 with a surge tank purely for added insurance and peace of mind. You can run the 044 / S tank of the stock intake fuel pump fine.

The Mal Woods option 3 is rated to 370rwkw by Mal however, he says that he has heard of someone running 430rwkw so I suppose its gonna depend on how you drive it as to how it will fare if you make 400. If your goin 400 I would be looking at a 2nd hand AP twin plate (comes stock with an F6 and can be found for around $1500 2nd hand, a few have been in the for sale section recently) or a Textralia Twin Plate.

You will probably need to look at an upgraded actuator & may possible need to look at porting your wastegate depending on how your vehicle holds boost. Iv been fortunate enough to get away with just a 12psi actuator and its holding boost fine across the board for me.

The Seimens & the Xforce exhaust will be fine for over 400 too. Also factor in some dosh for the new tyres your gonna need pretty soon after hitting 350/400kw lol.

Hope this helps, good luck and let us know how ya go!


Edited by Dirty32
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  • Member For: 16y 6m 7d
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  • Location: NSW sydney

ok so lets say 350wkw for now, if I want more later ill have to upgrade a few things, for the exhaust alot of people are jst replacing the cat and centre muffler would this work as well as doing the full system?

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