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Traction Control


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I'm not a big supported of traction control as seperate from DSC. When you give it a bit much around a corner say and the back steps out, I find I'm correcting but the TC/DSC kicks in and I'm fighting with it. I think it has its plus side and its down side.

But recently on a run up to Bulla, I found myself sideways looking at the valley below. I'd turned TC off as my ZF was slipping and I wanted to see if it made any difference. I corrected pretty quick but the TC went straight back on after that....and I changed my pamnts.

Definately down the 1/4, turn it off.

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Thanks for the confirmation on that, I'd always suspected it would slow you down slightly by either actuating the internal wastegate of the turbo, using the gearbox to remove power from the drivetrain or applying the brakes to a certain wheel using the ABS sensors.

Does anyone here know which way the falcon uses? or is it a combo of all three? just out of curiosity?

Edited by retro-xr6t
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I think on the BA is was just intergrated into the ABS. You loose traction and the rear brakes come on.

The BF I am not sure.

My tuner turned it off in the tune however I was unable to heat the tyres properly at Calder and it wasn't until a skid pan day that the instructor said "theres something fighting you" I runed it off manually and all good.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was a combo of things. But I don't think it is a full on stability control system. I'll stand corrected if I am wrong.

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My car is a BA F6 and when it had low power you could put your foot flat around a corner and you could feel the car pulling out fuel and spark. Now with a lot more power my tuner has set the T/C to turn of if it senses excessive tyre spin. This is because if I forget to turn it off and drop the clutch and the T/C applies the rear brakes it could snap an axle.

yes, it does cut fuel and apply brakes. the first time I had it happen to me it gave me a very un-nerving feeling, having driven and raced alot of cars on many surfaces that dont have it.

havint a ute along with a turbo and an auto it can kick sideways when trying to turn right pretty easily, and when the t/c kicks in it can really snap straight a little violent... and no, its not like its even sideways, racing is for on the track, not the road.

I have been advised by some tuners to turn it off after mods have been done as it can damage the motor with fuel cutting out.

its interesting when ive had it on the track messing around sliding a bit out of corners... it slides, relises its spinning, so it kicks in, car snaps straight, goes "its all good" and t/c stops, then power kicks in again, slide in the oppsite direction, t/c snaps it straight again... and so on. I grew up drifting and just hate that "snap" feeling when its sliding. I prefer to use throttle to control it so it straightens smoothly (yes, on the track)

I leave it on 99% of the time cos I dont drive stupid on the road, but it does annoy me when merging/moving into traffic.

"the t/c system is configured to limit Excessive wheelspin beyond a predetermined level. Below that level it will not prevent wheel spin from occuring to ensure the system is not overly sensitive to small amounts of wheel spin that may occur during takeoff or.....etc. "

read your manual ppls...

Edited by Krazy F6310
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I find the DSC on the BF to be not too bad as it allows a little bit of slip before intervening and usually it just applies the breaks to the back, but it can bring a real halt to things if you over do it to prevent a slide in that case I think its cuts engine power which can be violent.

In drags turn the system off but in normal driving id leave it on as it does save your arse sometimes especially in the wet.

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For the person who said BA's don't have TC, they do, well mine has yet it's useless as it doesn't seem to do anything,

it doesn't have DSC.

The DSC can be of use even for the most skilled driver as it controls braking to required corner of vehicle which driver can not do unless they have 4 separate brake pedals/system.

As for TC, unless you are stupid and can't control your right foot it is not needed.

The TC can be set from 0-10 by tune, have not even worried about changing or turning it off as it has not worried me as yet.

0 being off & 10 being very sensitive.

My opinion is TC is more a problem as it can cause driveline problems and slow overtaking or emergency situations.

If your TC is operating premature, see if Ford or Tuner can set it lower that way it's not cutting fuel until it's really required as in stepping out sideways.

It's correct job is to allow minimal tyre slip while being able to put max power down when required. If it is not doing that it is not working as per it's design.

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had a few instances where dsc and traction control have kicked in couple of times being around a corner in second and giving it a bit and the back slides out then it kicks in and cuts power and straightens you out and once straight power comes back at full force. Another time was up the snow. Trying to go up a mountain road cover in snow, traction control kicked in as soon as a little bit of slip was sensed and slowly dropped the revs, once it started there was nothing I could do, I could put my foot flat to the floor and watch the revs drop without the wheels even spinning much at all, wasnt a constant spin just a few little slips every couple of seconds. Ended up turning it off and made it up with hardly any wheel spin

sometimes it can help other times it wont

just my 2c

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You could drive your entire life and not once use the ABS, but that does not mean your driving ability outweighs its imprtance. You could easily say that I dont need airbags cause ive never crashed.

With big mods there may be some issies but otherwise leave the damn thing alone. I really think the only reason its switchable is to allow for burnouts.


hey iv got a 03 ba xr6 turbo an when I go over harsh bumbs my t/c and abs lights come on an

I no longer have t/c and abs I think.

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