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Wollongong Cruise


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:censored: OMFG....how embarrassment..... I tried to line lock it and realised the traction control ws on.....then it wouldnt turn off....no matter how many timesi tried....Cheers Angel for mentioning that It really was :pooh: ...ha ha ha

The cruise was awsome. I agree on the run to Kiama was hectic..... I nearly got taken out and was overtaken by 1/2 the cars as well.

I must have missed the cement dust....When I left it was all clear on the way down.

Hey Nick where did you end up...The last I saw you, you were heading down the Jamberoo pass...

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Who was the madman fishtailing on the highway with the family on board? :Doh:

Umm that mighta been a Black GT...... :beerchug:

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If anyone was being a fool please let myself or one of the other moderators know and they will be dealt with. All participants on cruises are expected to maintain a decent level of behavior. I'm sure you're sick of seeing the rules but here we go again....

In order for every body to have a good time, a few rules have been implemented. Failure to abide by these rules will ensure you are not invited to future events held by FordXR6Turbo.com.

The reasons for these rules are:

Safety - We don't want to put any of our members, and the general public in any danger.

Public Perception - We do not want the Ford XR6 Turbo community to face the same ridicule and stereotypes other car communities face.

The rules are simple:

Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines etc... Any breaches will be reported to the local police.

There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

Use the Buddy system; always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn and to make sure nobody gets lost or left behind.

CB Radios; if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. If you do have one, please limit chatter during the twisty parts of the cruise. This will allow the cruise leader to relay information about road conditions, upcoming obstacles, etc. efficiently.

By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, its Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Organisers, or Owners responsible/liable for any damage and/or grief sustained (simply; if you stuff up it's your fault, not ours).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask before the cruise.

If anyone was out of line I want to hear about it. Failure to abide by these fairly basic rules will tarnish our reputation and make the site an easy target for future unwanted attention.

Didnt expect to come on here and see this??? All the great cars you had made it sound like a cruise to remember.

Would hate to see some members put in positions where they had some big explainations to come up with, then merely enjoying a nice drive out with others. Not all members are able to keep on driving and pretend nothing happened.

I missed this one, literally at the last minute, but perhaps it was one to miss.


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hey I was up with angel#3 and ras, no1 really fanged it past us :\ my mate driving my car did overtake ghia girl but im pretty sure it was a sensible overtake? if not let me kno d I will head slap my mate. alot of people did start coming up after the road works on the highway.

the view infront of danics was awesum! whoever was behind my car in the silver xr, I think I told you on the night that it sounded pretty sweet! anyways keep it safe

EDIT: and if I don't see any of you before the 25th - have a happy and safe christmas!

Edited by arjey
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I had a great night out, and to be honest there was a little bit of acting up, but I dont recall anything to serious, I was sitting behind arjey for most of the night, and I only got overtaken by 2 I let through when I was warming up a bit....

great night out though, and looking forward to the next one...

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Hey Nick where did you end up...The last I saw you, you were heading down the Jamberoo pass...

I ended up following road signs back to wollongong,had no idea where I was.Filled the Fg with fuel my tummy with food and drove to city beach.I think that's what they call it.Then took the coast road home.I was home at about 1am.Woke early and tried to remove all the bugs I collected during the cruise before they baked on.Can't wait till we do it all again.The only regret I think I was one of a only a few who didn't overtake ghiagirl :idunno: Cheers Nick

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Also fellas forgot to mention that you all left myself and a mate at BP.

We had been taking mt mates ute for a quick spin cause its got a exhaust leak. We turned back on the HWY and saw a bunch of Falcs heading in the opp direction. Lucky I called reg and he waited for us.

Edited by revheadrobbo
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