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Wollongong Cruise


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There were people overtaking the designated leader, some almost running up the back of one another, idiots cutting in with little or no indicators because they obviously didn't know where the turnoff was and one guy even thought it was cool to do a fishtail up the centre lane of the bloody highway!!!...with his missus and kids in the car no less...WTF.

Jeff....I don't think it was "her" driving skills that were in question mate...... :bowdown:

As she has said (and Iv'e since had PM's from others who felt the same way).....things did get a little hectic with people who obviously didn't read the cruise details.

Its not a matter of being soft.....it seemed more a matter of some guys charging off without knowing exactly "where" they were going you know..... :Doh:

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Jeff....I don't think it was "her" driving skills that were in question mate...... :censored:

As she has said (and Iv'e since had PM's from others who felt the same way).....things did get a little hectic with people who obviously didn't read the cruise details.

Its not a matter of being soft.....it seemed more a matter of some guys charging off without knowing exactly "where" they were going you know..... :Doh:

I'll have to agree with Reg, it's not the ability of your driving skill/s we can all drive some better than others.

I would say it's the power, some or most of your guys are putting out some awesome power....Bastards

We’re all here to meet and greet and enjoy a good cruise in a safe manner.

On the other note it was good to meet old and new people. At the top of Robbo pie shop how could we forget the greatest attempt at a burnout ever. You know how you are...... :blink: next time.


Edited by ANGEL#3
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I was near the front when most of it went on,I was swamped by maybe 6-10 cars.Slotted in behind the blue gtp,I had the best seat in the house go boy go.Through out the whole cruise never did I feel I was in danger and everyone was always giving more than enough room to pull out and overtake slower cars.From me well done :censored: I don't think anyone crossed any lines.It really comes down to this boys will be boys.Cheers Nick

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Hey ghiagirl,dry your eyes princess and learn some better driving skills :blink::censored:

CYA JEFF :angel:

I'm not sure why you are personally attacking my driving skills Jeff, I don't know you from a hole in the ground :Doh:

Just because I choose not to drive like a wa*ker, doesn't mean I lack skill, it means I have a brain...

Do you object to the truth being spoken plain? Why is that I wonder?

And Butto..... I've spoken to Reg about the maniac doing the fishy....up to him now I guess...

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If anyone was being a fool please let myself or one of the other moderators know and they will be dealt with. All participants on cruises are expected to maintain a decent level of behavior. I'm sure you're sick of seeing the rules but here we go again....

In order for every body to have a good time, a few rules have been implemented. Failure to abide by these rules will ensure you are not invited to future events held by FordXR6Turbo.com.

The reasons for these rules are:

Safety - We don't want to put any of our members, and the general public in any danger.

Public Perception - We do not want the Ford XR6 Turbo community to face the same ridicule and stereotypes other car communities face.

The rules are simple:

Obey all laws whilst on the cruise; this means no speeding, no overtaking over double lines etc... Any breaches will be reported to the local police.

There is a designated cruise leader who will lead the way and set the correct pace for all cruise members.

Use the Buddy system; always make sure you can see the car behind you. This will give people behind you an indication on where to turn and to make sure nobody gets lost or left behind.

CB Radios; if you don't have one, follow the maps and directions given out. If you do have one, please limit chatter during the twisty parts of the cruise. This will allow the cruise leader to relay information about road conditions, upcoming obstacles, etc. efficiently.

By attending this cruise you agree not to hold FordXR6Turbo.com, its Administrators, Moderators, Cruise Organisers, or Owners responsible/liable for any damage and/or grief sustained (simply; if you stuff up it's your fault, not ours).

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask before the cruise.

If anyone was out of line I want to hear about it. Failure to abide by these fairly basic rules will tarnish our reputation and make the site an easy target for future unwanted attention.

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Awesome night everyone!

Highlights for me were watching 20+ hotted up falcons pulling into Albion Park BP with an array of whistles pops and roars! Then the run up macquarie pass sitting behind ANGEL, window down hearing the 5.4l boss open up and my turbo buzzing after it. Best mountain run ive ever done... The ole garret had a healthy glow by the time we got to the pie shop haha.

Was great to have a chat to everyone up the top and the run back down was definately different with the added challenge of cement dust all over the road :(

Thanks for the good night guys.

P.s the black GT sounds like heaven in an exhaust pipe

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