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Car Detailing...what Gets Done And How Much?


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  • Member For: 16y 5m 19d

Hi all,

I've had my bf t for about 3 months now, but there are some paint swirls and minor water spills on the back seat. (f**king pissed me off too!!!)

For a good car detail, I was wondering what actually gets done, I.e. interior/exterior, and how much should I expect to pay for such?

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 18d
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  • Location: Blackburn, VIC

Hey mate,

My old man owns one of those 'Magic Hand Car washes' (but this is in box hill) pretty far from ballarat but, I can tell you for a sedan, a detail can consist of many things. From steam cleaning of the seats (which looks like what you need) to leather conditioning of leather seats to an exterior clay or 'Cut and Polish'. also gets rid of minor scratches and stuff. the detail includes a thorough clean for outside and inside, including alloy wheal sealant etc. The complete detail makes the car in showroom condition, basically! this service ranges form about 190-300. generally it costs about 200 to do(depending on your needs).

Hope that helped!

Lemme know if you have any further questions!


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  • Member For: 18y 8m 11d

It depends where you go

Most shops - cut and polish, hand wax

silicone rich industrial products used on interior and engine bay

What I do - from 250 to 1500 (limos mainly from 1200 +)

Paint correction - three step machine polish so every mark is removed.

Paint correction, enhancement and protection - four to twelve step deep clean, correction, shine enhancement and protective coating

Orange peel reduction - permanent burial without abrasives - 5 to 50% buried in most cases

Exterior unpainted plastic/rubber/urethane/resin trim moldings machine polishes with glass and acrylic based polish and protection system - non abrasive. results are permanent

Deep cleaning, softening and conditioning of vinyl and leather - non greasy. dry to touch. soaks in

Mag wheels clayed, polished, sealed

Wheel arch cleaning, blackening

Glass polishing and rain repellant coatings

GLARE product treatments

time - 8 to 60 hours from the basic service to the best

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ok enough from me... Ill be good! :blush:

Anyways - robinho - it will cost you about 300-400$ and half to 3/4 of a day, so good tunes, and some of your personal sweat!!!


and ull have the gear to look after it urself for years to come!!!

Take a look here -> Clear the car urself!!!

Edited by smicky
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