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I Own A Fg Lemon


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roosters - which dealer have u been going to?

Is there another one not to far by?

your in Sydney right... there is heaps of dealers around - try another one, if you find a good one they will take the car off your hands for say a week, stick your bum in a loan car for free and your baby should be near (most things if not all) fixed when you go back at the end of the week..

that's what I did when I got my Rspec, wrote a list out, booked it in for a week, they knew there was warranty work so got a free loan car, and away they went... didnt rush it as they knew they had it for a week and I was all good cos I had a loan car!

yes it had to go back a second time, and yes they farked up something else in the meantime but 2nd time round it was all good...

went in for a service on the 3rd round for one final thing and now except for a creaking dash on the passenger side, and one or two other minor things - it seems to be all good!


Other then that, all I can say it try an auto elec. as the boys above have said, and wish you the best of luck!

Shouldnt happen, but best solution to a farked situation I could work out with them...

Edited by smicky
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okay the air con is fixed the electric boot release replaced and yes I B that's what it was doing.From day one the air con wasn't working so my dealer filled it.Well that's were the problem began they over filled the system.The system should carry.49kg of gas,they had filled it to .76 kg.and was running at 1700KPA were it should of been running at 900KPA.With all the extra gas the system would freeze over and not work on warmer days.Well I took the car to my ford dealer about 4 times for this and they said there was nothing wrong.Today I took it to brad garlick and he fixed most of the problems,I think it had a loose connection on the ICC,well time will tell.Rang my ford dealer to tell him the news would of loved to have seen his face,he sent emails to ford australia asking for help about the air con problem .Customer service in melbourne has rung me to about the problem can't wait to ring them and tell them my ford dealer is a wa*ker.Cheers Nick

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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well it is a yellowy colour :P jks jks

regarding your resetting of ICC, is it a regular thing? or just occasional thing?

I might have the same thing... its happened about 3 or 4 times since July

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that's gotta suck bad....1 of my dads mates years ago brought a lemon falcon from ford and after complaining so many times he got fed up and went out to cambellfield to the head office and threatened to set the lemon on fire out the front he ended up getting a new car from it in the end after all the hassle....ford really needs to pick up there game. I guess im lucky to have not brought a lemon after owning 2 ba's and 1 bf I think ill wait till the series 2 fg comes out before buying 1 for sure....

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Fords answer to the icc was I was using the spare key and it maybe sending a different signal back to the computer resulting in resetting the icc.what load of farking sh*t.Smicky a loan car your having me on,they tried to charged me for a loan car when I took it back within 24 hours of buying the lemon.The engine has been great hasn't missed a beep yet and I give it hell.Cheers Nick

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With the boot release does it keep making the unlocking sound over and over really fast? Mines doing this at the moment and its farking annoying.


that's what it does. If you put some upward pressure on the boot when you press the button it opens no problems. I would image you should be able to adjust lock to the fix problem.


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What makes is all worse is that the dealers are useless. It's not the car's fault that the dealer servicing is utterly incompetent.

Ford really need to get their act together, but they won't.

f'ken A!

My problems with the T were 98% related to poor service.

I'd be in a foon now if it wasn't for those squeezers.

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that's why you dont buy a first model of a new car, wait until the FGII comes out or even the one after that, by then they should have addressed all the issues. Same with the B series, the finally got everything right by the BFII. Not particually fussed on the FG, would rather a BFII

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Hey guys I'm a n00b.

Just adding $.02 to this discussion.

Can you not threaten to get the ACCC involved evoking the Trade Practices Act? Most companies seem to sh*t themselves when those two accronyms/words are used in the same sentence.

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You mean invoke or an easier word would be enforce the trade practices Act. Bloody good idea but I hear Ford is very good at playing the long and protracted waiting game and everything gets forgotton about.


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