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Factory Ba Stereo Running 1 Four Channel Amp + 1 Mono Amp For Sub


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Im looking at connecting to my factory BA stereo a 4 channel Alpine amp to Run the Front and rear Speakers and then a Mono Amp to run a Single Sub in the boot. Now the issue that I have is that I know I have to run line converters to the fronts and rears but im not sure where to tap the other line converter for the Sub. Do I have to run a line level converter for the sub or can I go from the output RCA on the 4 channel into the Mono amp to run the Sub.

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Hey, I dunno the answer to your question but I have the same setup in my car (2 subs though). Im running my gear through an AudioControl LC6i which is basically a line level converter, but a good one, that allows ya to connect pretty much anything to the factory system. Sound quality isnt as good from a line level converter as a head unit, but it enables you to connect amps, subs etc. so way better than standard.

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I have a line converter to. My dad used my rear's and I had a hands free kit already installed so he connected it up to that to. So pretty easy for him. Good luck sorting that out it's a pain in the arse

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IMO to do it right the first time would be getting a head unit fitted... that's what im gonna do.

yeah but then you might be wasting a 6-disc changer and premium sound. the 3sixty and the JL cleansweap use a test disc to normalise the outputs of factory ICC so that the outputs of the processor are flat response. Same as an aftermarket headunit with the settings all on 0.

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yeah but then you might be wasting a 6-disc changer and premium sound. the 3sixty and the JL cleansweap use a test disc to normalise the outputs of factory ICC so that the outputs of the processor are flat response. Same as an aftermarket headunit with the settings all on 0.

Pffffffft 6 stacker, wow.. I reckon I could fit more songs on an mp3 cd then you could fit on your 6 discs. I have premo sound and theres nothing premo about it. If its so premo then why upgrade it?? For the price of a GOOD line level converter you could get a GOOD headunit, without the fuss...

Then again its up to you, I also went through the 'I want it to look stock' phase, then my wonderful 6 stacker decided to sh*t itself, so I went out and bought myself an Alpine deck, to connect to the rest of my gear, and its gonna be DOOF DOOF all the way.

My 2c.

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 1d
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ive just been through this whole thing. in the end I got a new headunit. I started off with a jvc four channel from work. I decided I didnt need/want the rears, so ran the high level straight from hu into the amp , running fronts on front channels and a sub off the rear channels. this was ok, but was still lacking, as only a cheaper amp. realiseing then that the four channel amp itself has preouts, I ran the fronts off the four channel bridged to two channels, then from the preouts to a mono. this was actualy quite good, plenty of power, but speakers were still stock so decided to change them with boston splits. this was pretty good. I then came across a 360.2 going for cheap, so bought that, and did it all properly. this at first did not sound as good as having the mono running from 4 channel preouts, but my mate came over and we tuned the 360 with his pocket pc thingy, using the bluetooth. this then sounded the best so far, I was fine with this until I hoped in my mates bf with a new headunit with a 4 channel alpine running the standard speakers, and a mono to the sub. plus it had bluetooth, and full speed ipod. I have been in three or four other cars with the 360, and I wasnt impressed at all. my advice to you. bite the bullet and get the new headunit (for what you pay for the 360 u could get a decent hu), if not, use the preouts on the four channel for the mono. and like Trough Lolly said, the rears are a waste. with the sub in the back, u can bearly notice them, even in a standard system using the menu selector I can bearly hear the difference. in any case I would recommend some decent front splits, these make a massive difference in quality, running them bridged off the four channel, leaving the rears for the hu, faded to the front.

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