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Acid Reflux Anyone Else Got This


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hello ppl just wondering if anyone else on here gets reflux ive had it for years doctors dont seem to be able to figure out why I have it or for that matter why it seems to be getting worse of late even though ive giving up drinking which really sucks and have stop eating all take away food .

im just interested in hearing from anybody else with this problem and if they have found anything that seems to help I take 40mg of nexium everyday half an hour befor dinner and eat 3 hours befor bed time and its still f*cked even though im not eating anything with oil or high in fats

cheers trev

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I'm on 20mg of Nexium and it works well, as long as I take it each day.

How long since you had a gastroscopy?,

I haven't had one for several years but finally did after my brother was diagnosed with Barret's syndrome (a prelude to cancer of the asofygas). My father died from this back in 1975 so there is a family history.

This is something you need to keep on top of and maybe go see a specialist if your current doctor is not giving you any answers.

(please excuse some of the spelling)



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Reflux is very common and in fact everyone suffers from it at one time or another in there life. An instance of heart burn which everyone has had is a form of gastro-intestinal reflux. On-going reflux that effects ppl during there sleep has been known to destroy the lining of the oesophagus and rot back teeth completely away.

Something like wikipedia or the net in general will explain it all in far greater detail.


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yeah im on 20mg nexium everyday too, I find that coffee, tomato and oranges rip the sh*t out of my chest so stay away from those

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You've probably got an ulcer or a hiatus hernia but I would be taking the nexium in the morning or even splitting it up 20mg morning 20mg before bed. If they are a straight 40mg tablet dont break them just take one morning one night.

Get a tube down your throat also so they can see what the problem is.

There is a million things though so get the tube down the throat first and go from there.

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cheers guys ive had this problem on and off for over ten years now seems to be geting worse and the list of food that causes the problem is ever increasing .

im currently seeing a gastroenterolgy specialist dr arthur grillas and have been check for gall bladder problems twice the last time was only last week ans ive had two gastroscopy done the last one of those was only a few months ago both showing nothing .

the gastroscopy showed redness on my oesophagus but the nexium seems to keep it mostly under control the problem is it only works under a very strict diet with none of the following foods

Fruits High in Acid



Cherries, sour






Vegetables High in Acid



Liquids High in Acid


Distilled Water (somewhat acidic)


Tea (herbal & regular)

Wine, beer (including other fermented foods)

Proteins High in Acid




Organ Meats

Dairy Foods High in Acid



Cheese (particularly aged cheeses)

Sour Cream


Grains High in Acid

Most Flour-Based Foods, particularly bakery items (sugar)

Complex whole grains are very healthy and can be eaten in small portions.

Miscellaneous Foods High in Acid



Vitamin B Supplements, including foods fortified with Vitamin B

so mostly anything that tastes good and its really pissing me off ive never really been a big junk food fan but like most ppl enjoy eating the odd pizza or few beers with mates the girlfriend is slowly losing her mind because of it because we cant go out for dinner because I can eat anything cooked somewhere else withot big problems later in the day or for the next few days that follow

I was sort of hoping some of you guys have tried something else besides nexium and the reason I take the 40mg tablet at night is because the specialist told me to do so other wise I was getting f*ck all sleep of night

cheers trev

Edited by trevs
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Have the same problem for the last 10 years.

Recently had a scope as I was getting worse over the last 6 months.

Scope show stage 2 oesphagitus despite maximim dose. Was prescribed double the max dose and if that wasn't effect I would need surgery, Nissen Fundiplication to be exact.

Went home and thought about what had changed in the last year, the answer being no exercise.

Started going to the gym and what do you know, 7 weeks later I'm back to the original dose and had a coffee after 8 at night the other day!

Am I cured, of course not but my symptoms have improved immensely.

Core fitness might be the answer for you. If you are already fit, go see a specialist and get a gastroscopy, then get an operation. The one listed above.

I work in an operating theatre and that operation does work for reflux.

Good luck.

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funny you say exercise helps ive also noticed this although im not over weight if anything im a bit on the lean side due to the fact I cant eat fat maybe the exercise helps decrease stress ive been told stress can be a major factor with problems like ours

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out of interest what sort of symptoms do you get as in pain , I get a high heart rate when its really bad , acid taste in mouth , chest pain at the v of my rib cage and sometimes even upper chest pain ? pressure behind eyes ive been told this is all due to my reflux although its got me f*cked how it can be

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I was getting a mouthful of food in bed.

Now that was bad.

But the pain as you describe and also pain in the mid back. Also felt like I had something stuck in my throat.

Get a surgical opinion, the op is well proven and can be done with the keyhole approach.

It will be your best option.

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