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Bali Bombers Executed....


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The Taliban were state sanctioned by force, the Indonesian Government (while far from great) is hardly a comparison.

No one said anything about killing all law breakers, where does that sort of histeria come from? Rehabilitation my be possible in some cases, however, the majority of prison systems around the world do little more than increase criminal tendancies. They need to be far tougher to acheive what you desire.

I fail to see how capturing murderers, thoroughly investigating the case, trialing them in a court of law and executing them humainly could ever be compared to Taliban genocide, nor could it ever lower anyone to the level of a mindless cowardly killer who blew up hundreds of innocent people without so much as a valid reason!

You did confuse me though with your acceptance of revenge killing, but not a court trialed execution?

I suspect that most people object to the death penalty because of a lack of faith in our current legal system's ability to properly ofer a fair and thorough trial. I agree that there are currently too many loopholes and problems with our (and other) legal systems to satisfactorally support a death penalty. But, in a perfect world, with a proper, uncorruptable legal system, I fail to see how someone proven to have committed haenous crimes without doubt shouldn't be removed from the world.

In the case of the Bali bombers, I find it insulting that anyone would worry about their deaths, yet demonstrate no similar grievance over the the death of their victums (many of whom were children). I for one won't be loosing any sleep over the death of the murderous Bali bombing scum.

Edited by tmac450
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So you don't like the Taliban analogy? OK what about China then? Tibetans killed simply for political dissent..You can't argue that china's government is illegitimate also can you?

P.S just how many of today's govenments don't have a blood-soaked past (sanctioned by violence)?

So just where do you draw the line for executions then? It's a grey area too dangerous to tread in my opinion.

There is no conflict on my stance, a court sanctioned killing is completely different to one enacted in the heat of the moment. That's why there's a charge of manslaughter and not all those guilty of causing death are automatically locked up for life, the courts aknowledge that a father seeing his family killed infront of him would probably kill the offender if he had the chance. Big difference to coldly planning someones death long after the fact.

What's wrong with just locking up irredeemable criminals forever anyway? At least that way if there's an erronous conviction, you can release later on, too late once they're dead... Hmm, that's beside the point though, for me it's a matter on consence and I do sleep better at night knowing I don't live in a contry that kills using the courts.

My oposition to the death penalty is a philosophical one, sadly the world is hardly ever black and white, despite charaters like john laws and Alan what's-his-name's

best efforts to portray it as such.

In a perfect world you say, then it would be OK......Well, in a perfect world, the prison system WOULD rehabilitate, but the world isn't perfect...is it?

to me, revenge is a base human motivation, societies are a community of humans, with interdependancies living together which neccesitates the suppresion of

such base urges, often communities organise themselves in such a manner that the majority gets to decide how that community functions, sure it's not perfect, but such a system operates here in Aust and following a referendum the death penalty was abolished. In 2007 Australia became a signatory to support the abolishment of the death penalty worldwide. This is something I'm glad of.

No I'm not sad that they are dead, I am sad however that we live in a world where people though it nessicary to blow up innocents and other people killed them for revenge.

It ain't gonna solve the problem, dude suicide bombers do themselves in when they act, is the death penalty going to deter them? That's patently absurd.

Hapily as KS pointed out we're free to disagree, and also happily, the majority of Australians agree with me, as decided by referendum in or around 1973.

Anyways, this is just my opinion and I'm always interested to have it challenged :w00t2:

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Beleive me, I understand both sides of the argument. My point is nothing (as you rightly said) is black and white.

While the justification for capital punishment may not be valid in many cases, it certainly can be in others.

I personally find it hard to accept that we house, feed, cloth, entertain and even pay violent criminals in this country on all too short sentences. All as a spin off from the very civil rights movement which is responsible for the removal of the death penalty. A movement which appears to have little use other than to go out of it's way to grant rights to those who have forgone their rights to live in society.

If we don't have capital punushment (which for some of the scum is too kind an option) the punishment should at least fit the crime, and life in goal (if ever handed out) is just not good enough.

If you have an out of control dog that attacks people, it get's put down, why is it that an out of control animal like a Bali Bomber gets better treatment than an animal which doesn't have the luxury of understanding the result of it's own actions? I just feel the whole capital punishment argument is riddled with contradictions.

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If you have an out of control dog that attacks people, it get's put down, why is it that an out of control animal like a Bali Bomber gets better treatment than an animal which doesn't have the luxury of understanding the result of it's own actions? I just feel the whole capital punishment argument is riddled with contradictions.

because for that exact reason, an out of control animal is incapable of rational thought, and hence changing it's ways, a human being is.

Calling humans animals is not particularly helpfull, Hitler did it with the jews to justify the death camps....(more state sanctioned executions)

And yes, I agree with you it is riddled with contradictions, that's what makes discussing it fun.

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