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Bali Bombers Executed....


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just chop off the hand that they eat with and both there legs, so when they are in a wheel chair they can only go roung in circles and have to wipe there asses with the same hand that they eat with. alah be prased then mother fkers.

Edited by Tree Monkey
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that's my issue. Australians are celebrating the death penalty in this case but what happens when it comes to members of the Bali 9 or Schapelle getting 20 years. Aussies are happy with Indo's laws when it suits....

I for one reckon the death penalty is great if the person is 110% guilty. Australian laws are far too soft I think. People get away with all sorts of stuff so they just keep on doing it.

Take a look at that guy in Perth last year who raped and brutally killed that young girl in the toilets and a SOR shopping centre. Our taxes go to looking after scum like this. Bugger that. Strap some raw chickens to his body and feed him to hungry saltwater crocs or something. Brutal but still nowhere near the damage that he's caused in that area

3 down, 1000's more to go.

The Bali 9 and Schappelle broke Indos laws and are paying for it.. IMO bringing some OMO lookalike powder or some plant clippings into their country are nowhere near as bad as deliberately murdering 202 humans in cold blood and maiming fark knows how many more.. but still, the law is the law over there and in a different country you have to suffer their penalties.

I reckon the death penalty is too easy, a few weeks or months of sh*ttein yaself then its all over in a bang.. 50-70 years locked up in a filthy cell slowly going insane and getting filled in every few days is a much better punishment.

tell ya what though, if the Bali 9 are executed, I very much doubt half of australia is gonna be running around squealing about them being heroes and martyrs and how revenge is on its way to westerners etc like the lunatic terrorist fuqwit monkeys in Indo are about the bali bombing murderers!!

Its pretty much analogous to 100's of aussies idolising Martin Bryant as a hero for killing all those people in Port Arthur, and wanting revenge for him being locked up?? I mean WTF are the indos thinking, their religious fantasy has reduced them to primitive animals IMO

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They won't do it again!

It's cheaper.

As a deterant.


The penalty must reflect the crime.

To make the world a safer place.

etc etc etc......

No they want do it again, but instead are now Maryters to be revered and looked up upon, there will be plenty to take their place. So in this respect the death penalty has failed.

If we want a populace to act like civilised human beings, then the countries laws and religions must be civilised. There is very little we can do as far as religion is concerned, people have been killed in the name of religion for centories and this is not going to stop anytime soon. However we do you have influence over our laws, no the last person executed legally in Australia was found to be innocent some 27 years later. Now in my mind a civilised country killing an innocent person is the most unexcusable thing that can ever occur, and humans make errors, not to mention power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. ZKilling someone legally is power, and a power that some people definatley seek.

Going back to religion and killing, I have been councilled by person of the cloth about killing and how my country accepts that this in my role of a soldier in a conflict area. NowI am not a religious man, nor do I believe I would have any hesitation in killing if it was justified. My point here, is religion is a tool that can greatly influence the minds of men and woman alike, religion is what prompted these men to kill in the first place. Religion is an age old tool and will take centuries to correct, but the ,law is our sphere of influence as citizens, and we must be very careful what we ask for.

Sly I can see where you are comming from, but ask yourself, yes these guys are dead, yes they will not kill again, yes indonesian society does not habve the burden of paying thier way through jail, but did killing actually solve anything?


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It solves a lot. If more of em are killed, maybe their followers would be too scared to do it again.

Eye for an eye. Revenge is sweet and keeping scum like this alive is a waste of oxygen.

Edited by Buf-Phoon
tmac , please stop quoting the post above. grrrrrr
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Do niot ake this the wrong way, but that is short term thinking and one lead by paranoa not rationale thought. an eye for an eye is a biblical term and biblical means religion and religion is why they blew up the place in the first instance.

So by your rational, we have to kill more and more indonesians, or more and more muslims, eithner way there is a term for this depending on how many you kill, either its dictatorship or genicide, both have been tried by some pretty powerful people/countries and all attempts have failed.

Now if we are to learn by mistakes that history have taught us then this is not a viable solution.

As far as a waste of oxygen mate trees breath this stuff out, and with climate change and all this planting of trees and increased taxes to do so we are safe so dont worry about oxygen.

As far as revenge is concerned I think the Russians say it best, revenge is a dish best served cold, this dish was still piping hot and made maryters of them.



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I wouldn't want my tax $$$ going to keep those scums in our prison system!

I am for capital punishment if the crime fits, the crime fits in this case. they killed 88 aussies and 114 other people.

I would LOVE for martin bryant to cop the firing squad.

Any rapist should have their d!cks cut off, pedophiles should have the same before being put into the middle of a supermax prison with no clothes on and a 20 litre drum of KYjelly while the guards go on holidays.

I could go on but enough for now.


Except for the KY Jelly part, let the b@steds bleed.

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It solves a lot. If more of em are killed, maybe their followers would be too scared to do it again.

Eye for an eye. Revenge is sweet and keeping scum like this alive is a waste of oxygen.

I wish the followers would be too scared, but unfortunately they are uncivilised and living a few hundred years behind us in terms of social development - they base their whole life on fantasy religious beliefs FFS !!! they are not scared of dying and unfortunately while the Allah and martyrdom myth is perpetuated by these freaks they will never be scared.

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Don't beleive they're not scared of dying. The Bali bombers were sh*tting themselves. Why did they try so hard to get off if they welcomed death so much. By their very nature they are cowards. While they may get morons willing to suicide, the leaders are absoloutly gutless, they are the ones to target.

Face facts guys, these terrorists use our own compassion against us, and while ever we do that they'll win. Whenever they attack without reprise, they gain more momentum. An eye for an eye is not necessarily biblical. I should correct that though. To succeed you have to do more than them. We have to stop those in charge. No one said anything about killing more Muslims or Indonesians, you are getting hysterical. Unlike the terrorists who will randomly kill an main, we tend to strike at those responsible.

I'm all for the sanctity of life, but these guys don't qualify as being alive in my book.

It was best said by Sean Connery in The Untouchables, "If they pull a knife, you pull a gun. If they put one of ours in hospital, we put one of theirs in the morgue."

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Except for the KY Jelly part, let the b@steds bleed.

yeah but you don't want the "normal" prisoners in too much pain that they have to stop!!!

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