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Bali Bombers Executed....


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For the record I think we should have capital punishment, but find it unbelievable that so many aussies are chanting for their heads while if they committed the same crime in this country they'd get life imprisonment instead.

that's my issue. Australians are celebrating the death penalty in this case but what happens when it comes to members of the Bali 9 or Schapelle getting 20 years. Aussies are happy with Indo's laws when it suits....

I for one reckon the death penalty is great if the person is 110% guilty. Australian laws are far too soft I think. People get away with all sorts of stuff so they just keep on doing it.

Take a look at that guy in Perth last year who raped and brutally killed that young girl in the toilets and a SOR shopping centre. Our taxes go to looking after scum like this. Bugger that. Strap some raw chickens to his body and feed him to hungry saltwater crocs or something. Brutal but still nowhere near the damage that he's caused in that area

3 down, 1000's more to go.

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I dont think the death penalty was the right option for these scum.

I agree with the death penalty in certain instances, but it was over too quickly for these guys.

As with what others have said - by killing them they become martyrs and as such heroes for the next generation of terrorists. It gives the followers & fanatics reason to preach and breeds hatred & possibly justification for 'revenge attacks'.

Obviously my opinion may differ if I was directly affected by terrorism (eg family or friend hurt by the attacks) but I believe they should be locked up in solitary confinement with little or no light for 24 hours a day with no access to any form of media to spread any message or have any firm following etc. Preferably, they would be fed pork or bacon or even better still only be given a live pig and not fed so we leave them the choice to kill the pig & eat it as they see fit or starve to death. They should die a slow death and rot in hell with no visitation rights. Maybe that would dispel any form of belief that these guys are martyrs and these brainwashed kids will think twice about doing anything similar for fear of being locked away with nothing for the rest of thier days!

Human rights - It is my belief that any person/peoples that creat so much pain to others should not be looked upon as humans and as a result forego any form of human rights.

I also agree with Mat. I know its a totally different case in terms of the situation and detail, but its funny how there would be uproar if the bali 9 were given the death penalty...

My 2c.

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Kill all the rapists, child molesters & murderers I say. f*cking scumbags that deserve a very slow & painful death IMO. Good riddance to the Bali Bombers...

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  • Team Kickass
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They should have been executed in the way there faith dictates, in public by being slowly raised by a crane with a noose around there necks.

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I strongly dissagree with Capital punishment, for so many reasons. I ask anyone on this forum who agrees with the death penalty to explain how killing these people actually benifited the world in any way.


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  • Team Kickass
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I strongly dissagree with Capital punishment, for so many reasons. I ask anyone on this forum who agrees with the death penalty to explain how killing these people actually benifited the world in any way.


They won't do it again!

It's cheaper.

As a deterant.


The penalty must reflect the crime.

To make the world a safer place.

etc etc etc......

Edited by Slymeat
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I reckon for punishment, instead of getting the easy way out they should have been made to serve life in prison, IN AUSTRALIA. Once the inmates realise who they are, itd be bashings and ass rapings for the rest of their lives. They didnt deserve to die the way they did.

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I wouldn't want my tax $$$ going to keep those scums in our prison system!

I am for capital punishment if the crime fits, the crime fits in this case. they killed 88 aussies and 114 other people.

I would LOVE for martin bryant to cop the firing squad.

Any rapist should have their d!cks cut off, pedophiles should have the same before being put into the middle of a supermax prison with no clothes on and a 20 litre drum of KYjelly while the guards go on holidays.

I could go on but enough for now.

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  • 12" member
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I reckon for punishment, instead of getting the easy way out they should have been made to serve life in prison, IN AUSTRALIA. Once the inmates realise who they are, itd be bashings and ass rapings for the rest of their lives. They didnt deserve to die the way they did.

exactly !!

except they are not given a cell or food so we the taxpayers dont have to pay a cent.. they are just locked in and have to fend for themselves while the guards turn enough of a blind eye so they stay alive but are bashed and buggerised every f*cken day for the rest of their lives!!!!!

plus they must report for a daily injection/shower/pintglass scull of cops blood..

I reckon half the indo animals screaming for revenge and calling the executed ones heroes and martyrs etc need a bullet too.. the Indo Govt should adopt a hardline approach to stamping out islamic militant tendancies IMO.

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