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Obama President Thoughts ?


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I personally don't care what colour a person is, it's how they perform that counts.

What bugs me though is Obama's crew used the whole black man thing as a reason to vote for him. They know in today's political correct society people think they're making amends for past atrocities by voting black.

While the US still has some strong anti-black sectors, over half of the white population voted for him, many of those because he is black. The most disturbing thing is that 95% of the black population voted for him, nearly all of those just because he is black.

All of this talk about how much of a great acheivement it is for a black man to be elected US President is crap. Being black is what got him across the line (the majority of the public were pretty divided about who to vote for). It was just the right time to do it.

I would've prefered to see Hilary get it. Bill was one of the bect economic presidents the US has had, and polls showed that she would have been more popular than Obama anyway.

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I think to a certain extent what you say is true tmac, but remember out of around 300 million people in the US, a bit over 100 million people voted (if I remember the stats correctly) So its hard to say that 95% of the african american population voted him in because he's black should be re-phrased as "95% of the voting african american population"...

I think he got those votes because he was someone that people liked the look of. Yes he is half Kenyan, but he's not just "some brother from the hood", he is a guy that worked his way through higher education, had some real life experience and served in Chicago as a community planner. All these things made him out to be someone the general public could relate to - as opposed to John McCain, who yes, served time as a POW, but now has 11 houses and 13 high end cars - this could have given him a less personable appearance to Voters. Plus the Bush like stance on most things

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He's young (compared to most presidents)

He can construct and deliver whole sentences and paragraphs

He is African American

He can Dance

He's Harvard Law graduate

The family looks real (for a change)

He is gonna make change y'all :spoton:



wonder if Rudd will give him a "high 5" and talk ghetto to congratulate a brother :spit:

He's already been on the blower phonesmileyphotobucket.gif


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just a question ,and my thoughts

I really don't see how anyone could be worse than Bush though ,It would be hard to destroy a countries credability any more than that tool did

I know, but it's so obvious that even a dog turd could do a better job than Bush, how could there be any doubt Obama won't be infinitely better.

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also lol @ xrdose ive seen that and your calling us dumb, and you belive that crap lmao

lol nah im gona believe what the u.s government tells everyone even though they have no proof supporting their claims coz they've never lied before have they.... :tosser:

Edited by XRDOSE
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