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What Size Torx Bit To Remove Steering Wheel?


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Hi Guys,

Just wondering if any one knows the correct size Torx bit to remove the main steering wheel bolt.

pulled the airbag apart yesterday but realised I didn't have a big enough Torx bit to remove the main bolt.

(was going to fit the sports wheel I bought of ebay)

If I can find the size I'll go buy one, rather than a whole set.



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did you have to book it in with them, or just rock up one afternoon and say you wanted it done

Nah just rocked up at about 11am and they said they could do it straight away. Prob just got the 1st year apprentice to do it, but if something ever went wrong I know I can take it back to them and let ford worry about it.

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I'l guessing its a pretty simple job though, unplug the battery, undo a few screws to take off the middle section of the wheel, torx bit to remove the big middle nut, wheel pulls off, then reverse the process with the new wheel in place?

I just bought an fpv wheel on ebay so I'll give it a shot myself most likely, I can get access to torx bits I think.

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Just an update guys...........

I found out through some web surfing that the main bolt needs a T-50 torx bit to release.

I picked up one of these bits from total tools for approx $12.00

As previously stated, very easy job to change the wheel, and could be done in 5-10 minutes max.

Very happy with the end result.



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Ah cheers mate. I searched for "steering wheel" and gave up after looking through 15 pages of results. I obviously didn't go far enough hehe.

Where it says to turn the steering wheel 90 degrees to one side, would that be pretty hard to do when the cars turned off? The steering wont lock if you have the key in there yeah

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Cheers fellas. Did the change over this afternoon, without using the steering wheel puller it was a bit of a mission, but a touch of WD40 on the area worked a treat :) I ended up buying a set of Torx bits from Repco which you use on a ratchet, it cost $50, but considering ford charges $40 to remove the wheel I can justify an extra 10 bucks as it also come in handy for removing the rocker cover as well.

Took it for a drive just a minute ago, and the feeling of the wheel is amazing. Its so much of an improvement over the standard leather XR wheel, I highly recommend it to anyone thinking of doing the swap.

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