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Truck Tyre Casing Killed Transmission


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I can imagine... I almost cleaned one up yesterday afternoon on the way home, got pushed across to my lane by a 4X4 - sphincter clenching moment for sure.

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Totally agree I.B. - Is there any sort of Police Enforcement of these situations? I know obviously they can't start a Task Force to find out "who owns that re-tread" but if a police patrol saw this happen and the Truckie failed to stop would there be any form of fine?

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You would think that there would be an un writen law for truckies to glean up their mess.

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If there isn't already some sort of law that fines a truck driver for not cleaning up a shredded tyre, there damn well should be! I cleaned up a dirty big piece of rubber at 110km/hr in my EL Fairmont a few years back & it ripped the bumper off.

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Totally agree I.B. - Is there any sort of Police Enforcement of these situations? I know obviously they can't start a Task Force to find out "who owns that re-tread" but if a police patrol saw this happen and the Truckie failed to stop would there be any form of fine?

A bit of a grey area and when dealing with truck drivers who tend to be very experienced it becomes even more difficult. If it resulted in a serious injury collision or fatal and it could be shown the tyre was defective or even neglected, such as underinflated then very serious penalties could result.

Also this only just happened to me on the way home, M5 near M7. Everyone travelling along the fast lane suddenly jammed on the brakes as there was a full half of a truck tyre sitting in the middle of the lane way. Another good reason to never tail gate and get the sh!ts cause if I was I would have ended up in someones boot.

This truck driver was only 200mtrs down the road and making no effort at all to clean his mess. Just waiting by the side of the road for a new tyre to be fitted and someone to crash into the old one. Professional drivers they are not!


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I own and drive a truck so I am going to come to the defense of truckies. I can tell you if one of my tyres blew out(it has never happened) I would not be running across 4 lanes of traffic driving at 110k/h to try and collect it when 90% of people wont even slow down when there are roadworks on the M1(and the speed limit it 60). Also I have seen a retread blow out on a b-double and the driver not even know and it is very common. Unless you see or hear it, it is very easy to not know it has happened.

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YW84U Understandable about not wanting to risk running across a freeway to collect a retread, I certainly think it would be hazardous to your health.

My issue is if they regularly come off the trucks ( they must as I travel up and down the coast on the freeways regularly and see a lot of them on the road.) Why are they allowed to be fitted to trucks. Cost would be an obvious reason and that is understandable for an owner driver as I try to keep my business costs down as much as practible also. However if they cant be fitted without a guarantee of not coming off with the real possibility of both damage to vehicles and more importantly personal injury then the RTA should not let them be fitted. I may be on the wrong track here so please educate me if you think otherwise. Also agree about roadworks, driving up the F3 today doing 80 in work zone and I think I was the only one doing the limit.


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