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Truck Tyre Casing Killed Transmission


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Was travelling south on F3 expressway today and one of my service guys was just ahead of me. Saw him swerve drastically but he couldn't avoid a truck tyre retread casing on road. It went under and did some damage to transmission housing( lost all transmission fluid) and ripped through power steering bundy tube. It also did some damage to the front of the truck (FG Cab chassis). Probably a lost cause but has anybody had any successful recourse by sending RTA the repair bill. Car is fully comprehensive but as there is no other party (well there is and he has driven off into the sunset in his tucken fruck) im up for the excess of $600.00. Its all wearing a bit thin lately 1) missus car got hit in carpark = $500 excess since scumsucking maggot no 1 didnt hang around . 2) scumsucking maggot no.2 came around a bend waaay to wide in Galston Gorge and put me into the armco and took off like a shot and I only got a partial plate I.d. $2000.00 excess (chose this option to reduce premium) If anybody has had any success in anything like tyres on road and billing R.T.A. let me know. They let these trucks use retreads so they can pay my bloody excess. Probably clutching at straws but at least I feel better hitting my computer keys really really hard and talking about it.

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I write to the RTA yeara ago in particular the then roads minister, Carl Scully about this issue where I got a ministerial reply stating that this has never been a road safety issue requiring the attention of the RTA. Well to date I still disagree and who on here hasnt had to avoid a left over re-tread sitting in the fast lane. Generally though, a few k's up the road they sit and wait for a repair of some kind.

Also I know that the RTA owned roads are travelled once per week to check there condition and any debreis that reamains.

I'd make contact with the RTA but it is not there fault, it is the truck driver who has failed to clean up his mess. They are like most drivers these days who just dont care anymore and happly continue on there way.

I fear that one day this will easily result in deaths on our roads and im stunned that there are not more pile ups as a result of left over tyres on the freeway.

Doesnt seem to happen much on the local roads where the tyres arnt under as much stress.

Being restricted to 100kph is a load of sh*t too.


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  • cj_ak
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the on road laibility insurance that trucks have is coupled with their section 1 comprehensive policy

that means that anything that comes off or falls off their vehicle and causes damae to third party property, this Public Liability policy will cover the damages, unfortunatley, your insurance company will require a number plate of sorts in order to waive your excess and lode claim as not at fault

sorry mate, but unless you have a witness or can identify the offender, excess will be require :spoton:

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Can you imagine if it was a motorbike hitting it a 110 kph. We only had vehicle damage.

It most definitely is a safety issue me thinks. Dont care what any FOOL politician says to the contrary.

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  • Sucker
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That hurts :spoton:

I'd like to find the culprit to have a chat even if it means not getting the excess out of the *beep*. That's just seriously f*cked up.

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Used to spend a lot of time up and down the hume, and many many many other freeways and highways between melb, syd and brissy and its just amazing the amount of left overs from truck blowouts... not always and only from trucks however more often then not...

Have seen a few blow (even one in the lane cover tunnel just 2 weeks ago in the lane right beside me)... yet 20 mins later the left overs were still there on my 2nd return trip... go figure...

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  • cj_ak
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I have worked for NTI (national Transport Insurance) in sydney as a specilist claims consultant, and I have heard my fair share of terror stories concerning trucks and the damage they cause

We had a uy travellin along side a B-Double whilst on of the 'inside' tyres let o against his vy holden, this vehicle was forced into the kerbing from the force of the tyre impacting him broadside, I wish I still had the pic, you would have thought he was side swiped

However, in a small line of defence, truck drivers rarely ever know that a tyre is about to let go, sometimes it happens and they are not even aware

It all comes down to saftey practices and by the operator, There needs to be some hefty statutory regulation placed upon the industry, besides the revenue raising practices of speed cameras and weigh brigdes

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  • Sucker
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Yeah they may not know when it is about to go...but they'd have to be pretty out of it to not realise when it does actually go. Then just carry on and pretend it never happened.

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I copped one a few years ago on the F3 in my TX3.

The car in front flicked it up and it slammed straingt into the windscreen, then dragged up over the roof.

The windscreen was cracked, the wipers flattened and the roof all gouged out and scratched. I wasn't a happy camper.

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