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New Pc

Iconic Bionic

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New PC time, the old 2.0gig is well past retirement. So whats a budget of $2000 going to get me.

So far my needs:

Intel 3 gig core 2 duo processor

Some motherboard to connect it all to

1 TB Hard drive SATA II

4 gig Ram

Ge-force 9800 GTX 512 graphics card

19 " LCD monitor

Sound card of some sort

Windows Vista

and a Tower to hold it all

Have I forgotton anything? Where to buy?

Mainly for the net, play a few games hold my pics and video collection.

Thanks you guru's and I know this forum is full them!


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PC's are really cheap now u can get a monster with $2000.

You should look into buying a quad core PC.

If you or you know a mate who can put all the parts together for you, you should buy them from MSY everything is really cheap there, or you can get them to make you a PC and select everything you want.


Edited by XR2DI4
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Im with stupid...

You'd get a monster for $2000.. Dunno what your thoughts of ebay are, but a mate of mine got a quad core, 500gig HDD, 4 gig ram, dunno bout video card or sound card, for $1000.. Add a 22" LCD for around $300, sound/video cards and your set...

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:spoton: Yo... I.B....

Mate PM me and I can work something out for you!

I'd shoot you over to our website (online webshop) but its not up just yet... fingers crossed for the weekend!!!

oh and as you drive a T ill have to hook you up with a better deal!!!

btw- notice to all forum members, friends of forum members and anyone else reading this...

MSY is cheap, but doenst always carry local aussie sourced products! So just be careful...

Been in the IT industry for 10+ yrs now, and all to often heard sad stories about people buying from MSY... Not to bag any company, they are cheap on a lot of gear not evenything but yes a lot... but... Ill just leave it at that! :roflmbo:

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Smicky's about to get a smacky for advertising.... :laughing:

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Mate PM me and I can work something out for you!

I'd shoot you over to our website (online webshop) but its not up just yet... fingers crossed for the weekend!!!


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