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Thanks Daniel @springy Performance


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Any complaints?

I've only ever heard good things since they were released so had no hesitations when deciding which cooler to go for :spoton:

After all the sh*t bagging etc, I don't talk sh*t. I have seen plenty of data logging on them and they work really well.

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Danny from springy motors did

Hey Danny, Welcome to the forums

When Sans car ended up at Bayswater automatics, Phil pulled apart the box infront of san, The Band was worn, as well as the C1 clutch from memory. Something you wouldn't expect from a box that was 2 months old.

Phil said to San that he will rebuild the auto, but leave the valve body modifications as they are, and see if its within spec of being able to tune it. But if it posed a problem, to bring it back and they will replace the valve body modifications with their own.

As Phil and I have done alot of R&D on my car, as well as another forum member HiNRG's car, We had pulled the boxes out a number of times, seeing if we could find a good setup both mechanically, and via the tuning to reduce excessive wear on the C1 clutch which is used in 3rd and 4th gear, as well as the band, which is used in 2nd and 4th gear. We came to the conclusion that some smart tuning in the software can make a box hold up. We also discovered that we could very quickly burn out frictions if we poorly tuned the auto. I did kill my first band when I was still running standard injectors. We also experimented with modifications to the BAR and CAR circuits of the valve body to get better Band and Clutch apply presure for cars producing more torque.

We also had a ION/BTR/(whatever they are called now) Calibration engineer's input on a number of things, especailly how a auto works in relation to the tables in the pcm which was a valuable resource understanding what was going on.

After this R&D and seeing a number of boxes come back with burnt frictions, Bayswater automatics on their own descretion started advising customers based on test driving the car to get their tuner to re-adjust the auto settings, Or, find another tuner.

Bayswater Autos have seen instances where they have built a box, and they come back with under 5000k's later because the tune in the car absolutely screwed the box.

Alot of the key into making the auto shift somewhat so it wont kill the frictions is to Increase the torque table, rather than decrease it like I've heard ALOT of workshops do(because the throttle shuts on them). The Torque table has a Direct relation to HOW the auto shifts, NOT how much presure to apply during the shift. This is all I'm going to say publically about this, If you want more information, PM me.

After San took his car to Springy motors, Danny noticed something bizzare with the shifting that he was unsure of. He called Bayswater automatics for some advice, but since they dont know anything about the tuning side of things, Danny tried his luck and called me. I actually managed to go down to his workshop, and went for a test drive to see what was going on, and after trying a number of my changes in the auto settings, and we managed to get it better, but it still had a problem mechanically with the 2-3 shift. Got on the phone to Phil, and he basically said bring the car back, and they originally changed the force motor(which can normally cause this "drop flare" type problem) but ended up changed the valve body to suit their specs.

The car went back to Danny, and I believe the problem has been sorted!

San is very happy with his car now. that's ALL that matters

The 4 speeds still going strong I hear.

Edited by xr6t_ute
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Yep, btw still kicking a$$ along with the standard motor and turbo. :)

Well, changed my oxygen sensor today after the dyno at Springy Performance confirming that the genuine one had failed.

As a result, the fuel economy has significantly improved with a full tank of e85 now showing 511km's distance to empty where before it showed anywhere between 280-330km's max. :)

Whilst on the dyno, I asked Danny to do a power run as I had felt the car had been making more power since changing my rear turbo exhaust housing which was done a few weeks ago. FMD, to our surprise it had made an extra 23rwkw and most impressive of all, it made 427rwkw at 100km/h compared to 380rwkw before and it now holds @ 410rwkw's throughout the mid and top end compared to 380rwkw's before!!!!!

So yeh, it's def worthy just to at least inspect the rear housing especially if running high boost as they are prone to crack however I was pretty lucky as my bro had a spare one in near new condition (ported with bigger flapper) so it didn't cost me anything. :) haha

No wonder I couldn't fookin get traction in my new NT05R's even with only 16psi in the tyres!!! lol

I had said to my bro either these tyres are sh*t house or I'm making heaps more power and that it was!! :newrussian: :newrussian: :newrussian:

Forgot to add, not bad for a standard engine and turbo, thanks e85. :sungum:

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Yep, your not wrong there mate. Like I said to Danny, if it breaks it gives us a good excuse to upgrade the engine and turbo but until then, ill just keep enjoying this combination while I can.... a bit like Headsex exceptions to the bf internals. :)

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