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Fairwell "barry" My Friend

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No probs dude, if you need anymore reassuring please don't hesitate to ask.

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 22d

every single car has the ability to go over 150 km/h reactions are the same no matter what car your in.. restrictions arent the answer. a compulsary drivers safety course would be a better idea ( even enforcing people during school to attend ) providing they have their l's at a reduced price. win win situation. im a p plater, I had an accident. people see that as me being a sh*t driver, but I wasnt at fault. ironicly it was a 50 year old man who decided he didnt want to stop at a stop sign. tmac just seems to hate all p platers.. if your parents didnt let you drive a fast powerful car then that's nice.

having a crash is a biiiig learning curve about driving, providing its not fatal of course. but they say p platers often drink driving, loose control etc. wheres the police? revenue raising somewhere on a 60 km/h road that should be 80.. the whole bunch of laws they brought out are bogus. after my crash im alot safer, even though I wasnt at fault. it still makes me realise other drivers on the road are complete morons majority of the morons being older imo, dont see p platers cutting me off, only middle aged people in g6e's lately. or the turbo territory's. ironicly all have been ford..

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There is little doubt that in general, P platers have a cockier-than-most attitude about just about everything, not just driving. It's one of the many lovely side effects of being young. So shut up before I clip you around the ear sonny boy.

Ohh yeah, too bad about the car. Flammin' cocky P plater :)

Are you sure that last pic wasn't a mod to keep the engine bay cooler?

Edited by straughsberry
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Hey EXRSIK, when did u change your name?

I had a piss weak crash about 2months after a got my P's, and yes I was at fault and it was just a stupid mistake from a momentary lapse in concentration. I was trying to pick up a mate n looking at street signs to find where he was. Didnt see the car coming over a crest doing 80 in a 50 zone, and started turnin into a street very slowly while trying 2 read a sign. He just nicked my front end, which wouldnt have been a problem except that he then proceeded to lock up the breaks, run straight over a pole which ripped the guts out of his brand new mazda 6, and ended up almost on someones front doorstep. N I wasnt driving a powerful car, it was a 2.0L Subaru Gx.

You know wat the first thing the lady whos house it was did?

"F*cking P-Platers, I bet you were hooning and driving like an idiot!"

A few minutes later after she realised wat happened she was nice n apologetic, and even the coppers said, bottom line it was you fault, it could have happened to anyone and was just unfortunate, theres no use going to court cause its your word against his about how fast he was going and who r they going 2 believe?

Actually now I think about it I should have those points back now. Tops!!

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Unfortunately for P platers, everyone does stereotype them, mainly because of the ones that are out there that drive like morons on a death wish!I think the general public have been brainwashed into believeing that there are more p plater accidents than accidents caused by older drivers. The fact is though that there are more accidents caused by drivers NOT on their P plates, BUT when taking into consideration the percentages, out of 100 p platers and 100 "older" drivers, there will be more p plate accidents. The point of all the restrictions is a valid one and something I agree with. I myself would probably be dead if I had of got my hands on something like the T when I got my P's. I did some STUPID STUPID things, and I had been driving for many years on dirt, grass and tarmac, and it would have all been attitude that killed me.

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To all those who say they're sick of the attention P platers get, I'm sick of all this crap, trying to justify driving a powerful car, because all ars can do 150kmh.

Face facts, yes all cars go fast enough to get into trouble, yes our driver training isn't good enough, yes many performance cars generally have better brakes and handling...

BUT, a slower accelerating car can make it easier to handle in difficult situations, more power can mean a quicker and greater loss of traction, making it harder to correct, and because we don't currenty have a way of determining who's a good driver, the next best thing is to restrict the newer, less experienced ones.

Spiderman's uncle was right, "With great power, comes great responsibility."

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