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Fairwell "barry" My Friend

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When I say T I mean XR6T, seeing as this is an XR6T forum and we're talking about XR6Ts

hahahah what? are you on goey this early in the day? im due to be comin of my ps in january n my T has been my daily driver for a year

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so what you bought your car or got your lic. before the restrictions came into force or do you have some bodgey excuse for an exemption

any way currently it is illegal for P platers lic after july 05 to drive a high powered vehicle

Edited by our06t
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I f*cking hate all this stuff about P-platers being bad drivers, no matter wat age group, gender, religion race or watever group you look at there are good drivers and there are bad drivers. Im still on my p's n had my T for about 6 months now (got my reds 5th July 05, restrictions came in on the 10th).

It doesnt matter wat precautions are taken to prevent P-platers from crashing it is still going to happen. Some one driving an excel, I know its hard to believe, can still lose control, and can still hit 150km/h+ it all depends on the driver not the car.

I think it should be mandatory for every P-plater to do a defensive driving course, and those who want to drive high powered cars need to do like a skid pan course so they understand wat happens when you lose control and how easy it is to lose control.

Also theres a difference between a good driver and a safe driver

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Spoken like a true P plater. Your comments really highlight your inexperience (try reading my previous posts).

If you had the slightest understanding of car control, you'd know that you can get into trouble faster, easier and in a bigger way in a more powerful car (especially RWD). Driving a slower car may not stop someone from getting into trouble, but it may just give them enough of a chance to get out of it.

Like I already said, older bad drivers most likely learn't their bad habbits while on their Ps. You start from the ground up.

Simply restricting the power of cars (with no regard to a car's safety, etc) and increasing the length a driver remains on their Ps is not a soloution. But it's a start.

You're not allowed to go straight into V8 Supercar racing, you have to work your way up (which is the case in all forms of motorsport). Why, if you can't go straight to the most powerful cars on a controlled racetrack, should it be allowed on the roads where our families drive.

Don't get me wrong, there's pleanty of extremely unsafe people on the roads, and the majority don't drive powerful cars, but we needn't exaserbate the matter by allowing new drivers (P platers) to drive powerful cars.

My parents certainly never let me do it (well before it was law), and I certainly won't let my kids do it either.

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Its all about respect and understanding the resulting implications from your actions. Ask, say, 80% of people on the road and they won't know how under or over-steer occurs let alone what the words mean. People aren't taught why a car loses control (technically) so how are they able to avoid that situation? It doesn't matter what the car is, generally - but definately not always - a slower, or less sports oriented car can have worse stability and traction than a performance vehicle, multiply that by how old the car is.

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Ok sorry if you mis interpreted that, obviously it is alot easier to lose control of a high powered RWD drive car than a 4cyl FWD (no sh*t), but it all depends on the driver and how they drive it, just because your a good driver doesnt mean something wont run out onto the road or pull out of a driveway and put you int the sh*t. And BTW I could be a fully licensed driver now just havnt had the time off work to line up for an hour at the RTA.

I reckon people just need to know their limits and drive accordingly to their own skill and the road n weather conditions. Of coarse your gonna get idiots who think theyre invincible and no theyre not all P-platers, but the people still learning to drive on the road do need a better system of training to give them the skills they need to understand the dangers of driving on a road and the concequences of driving dangerously.

Theres no one way to help people become better drivers, some people just deadset dont have the kind coordination to work 2 pedals and a wheel.

Bottom line, dont character assassinate P-platers, theres good bad in all demographics, they just get picked on more because their "young and reckless"

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Life is full of stereotypes unfortunately, and not everyone fits the mould.

On a whole the P-plate restrictions are a good thing because most young people don’t have the ability to make informed judgement when it comes to what they do when behind the wheel. Yeah allot of older people have NFI as well, but they don’t tend to take the same risks.

But like every restriction it will inevitably impact a few innocent people. Such is life I guess.

I.e. look at the reputation that moderators have. I'm a top bloke but most people stereotypically assume that I'm an absolute arsehole just by association! :spoton:

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