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Weird Acceleration, Help!


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  • Cryptic Clothing Company
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now this is gonna be hard to explain, I'll start from the first weird thing I noticed. was out cruizing (had 4 ppl in the car including me and bit of weight in boot) and I took off form the lights kinda heavy on the throttle, hear the turbo spool up and as it changed gears it made a huge "PSSHH" as it wud on a bov, weird cuz mine has always fluttered.. fine for a while.. cruized around and I turned a corner and lightly stepd on the accelerater what I would normaly do, and I cud barely hear the turbo.. so I got scared and pulled over and checked hoses, cudnt find anything and packd it home.. once I was alone again I went to see how it was and she was perfectly fine, maybe a bit better then usual cuz of the cold weather :) cud it be that it was just heavy load and I needed to have more throttle or cud there be somthing starting to give?

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I tend to look at these engines as female, tempermental bitches that do random unexplainable things

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  • iTs alL DaRDy........
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I tend to look at these engines as female, tempermental bitches that do random unexplainable things

Mate there is no way they even come close to being female

I do agree they do every thing you said but still dont nearly compare


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  • Member For: 18y 6m 10d
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Ok last time I had 4 people in my car and was givin it a hard time and heard a PSHHH, one of the cooler hoses popped off.. but if you had no lack of performance than it wouldnt be your problem....

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