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It's Bent, But Will It Be The Same?


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The other week I was going into town, going through a round about and a bloody bombadore driver didn't stop and hit the left hand front corner. this pushed the nose across 2inches.

At the panel shop they have had to pull the motor and box out to straighten the chassis rails which are bent near the firewall. The panel shop say it is classed as a major repair, but is fixable.

I'm just unsure as to whether it will be the same after the repair? Is it more like to get rattles and squeaks now? Are the ever racked back to square properly? Info from guys that have been this position before would be great. Do you keep the car or not??

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If its bent the chassis rails, even if they realign it, the car will never be truly straight again. Myself I would give it the flick.

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Trust me, I was a panelbeater, you dont want to own the car anymore......

I guess it depends if its your baby or not, if its just "a car" and a way to get from A to B, and nothing more, sure keep it, but if its your pride and joy, it will always be in the back of your mind that the car was hit, and new rattles and squeaks will appear, even if they were already there before the prang, if you get what I mean.

When I was straightening rails using the Car-O-Liners, I always tried to get them perfect, so I knew they would always wheel align up good, but even NRMA allow 2mm of mis-alignment, and these days the insurance companies dont pay enough for the shops to get them perfect.

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  • cj_ak
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I disaree, once it has been placed on the panel beaters robot, it will always be realined to factory spec,

the question is, are you dealin with a quality panel beater,,,,

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I had the same worries, concerns and sleepless nights after my no fault accident and was hoping the insurance company was going to write it off so I can move on and get another XR. Anyways, they decided to fix it...$16 000 worth of damage. Six weeks later, I was apprehensive when it was time to pick it up. The outcome?, to anyone else, they would say it is absolutely perfect and in a sense they would be right. However...when it is the baby of the family and you tend to know every inch of your own car, I would say it is 98% there....I have since learned to live with the other 2%. They did a bloody good job considering the shunt I was given by a semi-trailer and collision with a concrete barrier. As the car was on a Car-o-liner, I have to say that it drives and feels exactly like the morning before the incident. As far as alignment issued are concerned, I will only be able to gauge this after a few thousand kilometres and seeing what abnormal wear appears on the tyre tread. If none, then everything is sweet.

At the end of the day, if I was not confident and comfortable that the baby was back together as close to original as I would tolerate (and I am a fussy *beep*), I would have ditched it, borrowed a few more thousand dollars and gone FG. With so many people telling me during the repair process that the car will never be the same and I should get rid of it....well I now realise that it is better not to listen to others and stress about it and think for yourself and make your own mind up. I have kept the car (now had it back for about two months) and continue to enjoy it as I have before the accident.

I'm guessing (though I may be wrong) that since the accident was not my fault, the insurance would have back charged to the other person's insurance company whatever is required to get the car right and back to the condition is was before the accident. And I think this is reflected in the final result. My car is Neo (blue) and I have to say that the colour match is absolutely exceptional, regardless of whatever light you look at it. I have to say also that when I went to visit the panel beater during the time the car was on the Car-o-liner, just looking at the cleanliness and order of their premises gave me a sense of confidence. Can recommend them no worries.

If you wish to see what it looked like before and after including pictures of the accident damage, go to www.bseries.com.au. Search for sark021

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The other week I was going into town, going through a round about and a bloody bombadore driver didn't stop and hit the left hand front corner. this pushed the nose across 2inches.

At the panel shop they have had to pull the motor and box out to straighten the chassis rails which are bent near the firewall. The panel shop say it is classed as a major repair, but is fixable.

I'm just unsure as to whether it will be the same after the repair? Is it more like to get rattles and squeaks now? Are the ever racked back to square properly? Info from guys that have been this position before would be great. Do you keep the car or not??

If the rails are damged they should be replaced, I have a super pursuit being repaired atm that has the same damage as yours. I made them replace the whole front clip which consists of both rails (Full length), radiator support, all gaurds & skirts and even the firewall. This comes all pre welded and only needs to be alighned and welded in place. At $1600 it's a hell of alot cheaper than getting the rails straightened and still not knowing if they arnt going to be right.

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I got my car back after 8 weeks in the repair shop after a crash, It took them 5 days to get the wheel alignment right and even then it wasn't driving strainght.

I had the suspension and alignment check by W.A suspension and they couldn't do anything to fix it.

When driving along it made all sorts of creaks and groans and was crabbing to the left, the repair shop said that it was going to be perfect. The

repair shop are well known and have a good rep so it was just that the car was not the same so I did the next thing and got rid of it

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There was clearly something bent in the front end, it doesnt take much to bend or twist a control arm or a bracket in these things hence why most shops bin everything and replace the lot with new stuff.

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  • iTs alL DaRDy........
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I had a bad front ender in mine about a year ago

15000 dollars damage!

I thought id flick it when I got it back but the repair adrien brian ford crash did on it is INCREDIBLE

it drives better than it ever has

and as an auto elec, I pulled the front bumber and lights etc out to inspect and its perfect not even an aftermarket cable tie used

point is, if its a good crash shop it should be fine mate!

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