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Turbo Gasket?


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Dropped the ute of early this moning and received a phone call late this arvo saying the are now "pretty sure" the leak has come from the dump to turbo connection. After not having log books with the car the questioned me about that, so I called a few dealerships in canberra and chaced up the old info which is all correct.

The bloke I have been dealing with confirmed the is no gasket for this joint, which u guys have already in formed me. I was then told about the aftermarket gasket 03xr6T was talking about. I then said that I did not want that as it would void the warranty. The next option he threw at me was machining the rear to get it flat again so there are no leaks? Do either of these options sound like what needs to be done. And am I wrong in suggesting a new turbo for the car? I have no idea, as the car does have only 2 months left of warranty I dont want a bodge quic fix from them that is going to return soon.

What should I do?

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"pretty sure" the leak has come from the dump to turbo connection....

The bloke I have been dealing with confirmed the is no gasket for this joint

Sounds like the bloke isn't sure of himself. There is a factory gasket for dump-to-turbo, at least on the BA's.

The next option he threw at me was machining the rear to get it flat again so there are no leaks?

A good idea, but you really should have a gasket there.

I then said that I did not want that as it would void the warranty.

Umm, you said this or them?? You should take up their offer of a machining of the surface, but get them to ring around to confirm that there IS supposed to be a gasket there. This should keep your warranty and get the best outcome.

And am I wrong in suggesting a new turbo for the car?

Only replace if its terminally screwed. If it's performing well, then don't replace. If its under warranty, then you can only ask the question, they will decide if its screwed.

...the car does have only 2 months left of warranty

I'd ditch the 2 months in favour of a better outcome for the car in the long run. GASKET!

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When I got my turbo back from turbo tech they gave me a gasket to fit between the turbo and the manifold and suggested I fitted it.

I did, and a week later when I had to rip my turbo off again, the manifold to turbo bolts were already working their way loose, and we tightened the absolute hell out of these bolts when they were out of the car even! so yeah when the turbo went on for the second time I just cleaned up the machined surfaces and didnt fit that gasket again!

As for the gasket between the dump pipe and the back of the turbo, there is DEFINITELY a standard gasket that your turbo should have there. There is most defintely a part number for this gasket and if you ring up spare parts at ford and ask for it they will get you it in under a few minutes garanteed.

I would insist they fit a gasket there and not just get the surfaces machined. And like someone said earlier, even if the bolts work their way loose a bit, the gasket cannot fall out as there are 5 bolts going through it holding it in place.

good luck anyway whatever ends up happening with your car :)

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