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Turbo Gasket?


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Ok heres my story, throw some opinions my way.

Took my car into ford the otehr day to get what I was told and exhaust or flange gasket replaced.The reason for this is a rather loud sound that sounds like alot of extra air or sumthing. Sounds like a truck and I've lost all my power. After being fekd around with them and waisting a couple of trips to them when I went to pick it up they said they hadnt fixed it. So I asked what the problem was, and they said that there was ment to be a gasket on the rear of the turbo that was missing. Apparently the ute has had some work on the rear of the turbo.

So when they went to order the part the said it didnt exist, as a result of it "missing" there are some leaks out of the rear of the turbo to whatever connects to it.

Now as they said this part didnt exist in the parts manual or log books they have told me they are going to remove the turbo and machine it back to a flat level surface so there will be no leaks. The car is under warranty till 30/12/08. Does this sound right? if not wat should be my port of call

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  • iTs alL DaRDy........
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the turbo to dumppipe connection has a habit of the bolts coming loose and caausing exactly that, maybe u should check this urself or ask them if they check that all bolts where tight, often one faklls out alltogether there are heaps of threads on the forum about this.

I think there are right there isnt a gasket at that position it just relys on to true faces butting up to form the seal so if everything is tight I guess then they must be righjt :(

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yeah I asked them if they checked all the bolts and they said they did. Im guessing there was a bit of dump movement before they were tightend whcih caused the leaks. Does this "machining" the of the face seems like a good long-term solution? as the warranty runs out soon I dont want it feking up in a few months

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  • iTs alL DaRDy........
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yeah man, its either that or a new turbo, machine shops r pretty precice thou so I wouldnt worry :)

it will be done by a company that biulds engines not ford so it should be done right lol

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For my 2c - If you're talking about the rear of turbo, that's the dump pipe and yes, there is definitely supposed to be a gasket there.... and they don't just 'fall' off either, even if you lose a nut...the gasket has holes that fit around each dump pipe stud, so it has to go on when the turbo is dis-attached from the dump pipe.

However, if you mean exhaust manifold to turbo, Ford don't use a gasket there and therefor probably don't have a part number.

Hope that helps.

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  • Member For: 17y 1m 17d
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mk thanks, ford didnt really go into much detail as to which section it was. it goes in tomorrow so hopefully they figure it out

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Ford don't have a part number for the gasket between manifold & turbo as they don't use them like Civillian said, but they are available as I just got one when I had my turbo rebuilt by Turbotech. Apparently putting a gasket in there stops the manifold bolts coming loose so it's worth the effort of slapping one in... Especially if they're doing it under warranty :buttrock:

If they're only replacing the gasket between the dump & turbo, they're just fart arsing around putting other jobs ahead of yours. They would surely have a part number & probably even have one on hand. If not, it's only a few hours away at another dealer!

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Just had that problem as you iconic bionic, also the same problem with you mitch. iconic bionic, I just went to a bolt and srcrew place and got a replacement one and put it on. thos bolts your showingthey are/where all lose both front housing and exhaust housing.

Mitch the gasket the doesnt exist its true, they dont have one from factory, I went to auto barn and got myself a steel shim T3 flange one for $12.99. I also lost the 2 studs and nuts from the bottom part of the turbo where it bolts to the manifold and replaceced them also. This just happend to me last wednesday and fixed it all on friday and is awesome now.



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