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Xr5 Turbo On P Plates?


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hey guys, im due to get my P's in a few months and im interested in a Xr5, im wonderin if its legal to drive these on P's, I know its illegal to drive turbo car on P's but is it maybe under 125KW/T law?

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hey guys, im due to get my P's in a few months and im interested in a Xr5, im wonderin if its legal to drive these on P's, I know its illegal to drive turbo car on P's but is it maybe under 125KW/T law?

If its illegal to drive a turbo you cant get one, as it has one... Would probably pass the 125kw/t... But the little thing that spools under the bonnet wont pass...

if you are gonna go illegal, get a T and get some real power!!! And @ the rear wheels...

Edited by turboworm
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I don't know too much about te law itself but I think it's to do with power to weight ratio isn't it? You'd have to call the RTA to confirm then work out if the car fits the bil... Or just ask them if the car's ok :roflmbo:

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if you live in melb mate your not legally allowed to drive one. you will be on your red p's correct? and the law for them is no turbo or v8's but im pretty sure v6 is fine.

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Since July 08 it is PROHIBITED for a P plater to drive a V8, turbocharged or supercharged vehicle, regardless of whether the car abides by the old power to weight rule. This applies throughout your entire probationary period. Sorry buddy, I'd be looking at alternative options! If you get caught its 3 demerit points and up to a $1000 fine.

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When I first got my licence, my parents wouldn't let me drive a turbo or V8. I hated it at the time, but now I understand and think it was the best thing they could've done for me.

I learnt so much more about car control by testing the limits in a less powerfull car, then building up as my experince grew. In dirtbike racing, you don't jump straight onto a 500cc 2 stroke, you learn on something a little more manageable.

Anyway, a well sorted hot hatch will be pleanty quick enough to get yourself into trouble with.

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I drove my T on my P's and I'm not dead, go figure...

No one said anything about dying (althought that's what the laws are tying to stop, and they do have to apply them with a majority rule).

But, I don't beleive you would gain as much benefit by driving a powerful car early on. Building your way up is far more beneficial. You don't go straight to F1, all of the best drivers in motorsport start in karts and move their way up.

Why is the power limiting of P plater cars unaceptable, while it's OK for motorbikes?

its weird that a lotus exige isn't banned but would crap on a xr5t. sounds like a not very well thought out law to me..

Of course, it was implimented by politicians.

Although, I think you'll find the Lotus would be covered by the kW/t limit, as is M3 and the like.

What is wiered is that a 3 cyl turbo Diahatsu Charade is banned, or a Smart car.

The biggest anomalies are that a gutless C200 supercharged Merc, chock full of passive and active safety features, yet a relatively unprotected 6 cylinder like a pre traction control Falcon or Late model camira are OK. To do it right they need to come up with a list of banned cars, rather that trying to do a blanket, general ban.

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