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Global Meltdown


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well I came upon this nifty video today its pretty amazing, its about money! and how it operates/gets created/creates value etc etc.

if anyone here has seen a movie called ZEITGEIST this is a follow up of it, except its not conspiracy this time, its all real, just stuff basically the government is hiding from every single one of us and we wouldnt even know it. its called ZEITGEIST : ADDENDUM. also if you like this and have not seen the first ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE, I reccomend you watch it, gets you scratching your head but once u catch on your in for a newsflash of whats happening around the world with governments etc.

this is the new zeitgeist addendum : LINK

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Buy is an interesting situation at the moment, as I am sure all can see. On one side you have the media, politions and masses who have been fed propoganda that any money invested in the sharemarket will be lost. But this is not the case. The majority of mum and dad investors invest under poor advice or on a hunch, a tip from a neighbour or raw emotion. This is like a lottery yes. But Warren Buffet, the most successful trader ever, has always stood by the idea tht you should invest in what you know and understand. Did he buy in the dot.com boomno, he didnt understand how companies with no assets were worth millions of dollars, that all came crashing down, caused largely by uneducated investors looking to make fast money in companies which they have no idea about, in the long run it is proven that this doesent work. This becomes like the lottery. And the same people wwre putting outdooms day senarios then, but hey we survived. Look at just this week, buffet is back into the market, and buying up.3bn in ge this week, and others. This is significant, as people take notice. I think this may lead to more investment next week as people follow his lead. I will agree that the global economy has been poorly managed and dued to greed and excessive levels of debt we are in trouble, but seriously why do people listen and believe everything they learn in the media. I personally believe that what happens in asia is far more important now, and that that the markets wont be the same for some time, But dooms days senarios etc are enough to make you laugh, and I think that in the long term, you will see the cycle continue and the economy will be in the same state it was before, it is just simple economics. Just dont look at your super accounts, and enjoy the last rate cut and watch from a far as we cant change what happens no matter how much we want to.

Edited by bart
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Tis much bigger than normal market cycles including the last 3 crashes, and the great D.

This situation is out of everyones control except the very few who control the US Federal reserve.

It's going to lead to a new level of Global monetary control, global federal ownership, and debt to everyone else.

We're yet to see the full extent of the crashing house of cards.

I'm not sure I'd be buying anything just yet. Hanging on and buying gold is probably the only safe bet.

The bunnys not dead yet.

Edited by F6Rdodg'nroos
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  • Sucker
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What's hilarious is the "bailout bill" was actually tacked on to a piece of legislation to do with Mental Health so that they could get it through straight away! :stupid:

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That'd have to be the first and only bill they would've passed on health in the whole 8 years.

What a bunch of A******'s. They can kiss my :nod:

But a moment of pause.

Mayer Amschel Bauer, who founded the Rothschild family had said, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws"

His son, Amschel Mayer Rothschild said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws."

Another son, Nathan Mayer Rothschild bragged, "I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply."

The fact is we all have to :stupid: to them and no-one really has a choice as long as we have the current global monetary system in place.

It's their system, and they have the licence to print money.

Edited by F6Rdodg'nroos
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Tis much bigger than normal market cycles including the last 3 crashes, and the great D.

This situation is out of everyones control except the very few who control the US Federal reserve.

It's going to lead to a new level of Global monetary control, global federal ownership, and debt to everyone else.

We're yet to see the full extent of the crashing house of cards.

I'm not sure I'd be buying anything just yet. Hanging on and buying gold is probably the only safe bet.

The bunnys not dead yet.

Exactly correct - bart, this is NOT your typical market swings!!

If you REALLY want to know what it about have a search of "collapse of fiat money system" or similar in google and see why paper money will be worthless very soon.

Russian president is already making remarks regarding who will be the new world super-power seeing as USA is heading south.

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the Russian president is not the only one who is tipping the downfall of the US. The US's main power is the fact it controls the world money. (Let's be realistic here). They are right now proving that they can't. So just as what has happened many other times in history another nation will step up and take over.

Also remember that it's all well and good to have a huge military to try to keep things under control (the other reason why they are the worlds super power), but you still need to pay for your military and supply them.

I don't know who will step up (China maybe or the European Union?) but I doubt that in 10 years time we will be looking towards the US for all the answers anymore.

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  • It's All In Your Mind
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Strangely enough I export quite a bit of stuff to the UK and US and with our collasping dollar, 3 weeks ago per 10000 UK pounds I was getting about AUD 11700, today its AUD 14700. I think when all the smoke clears, the politicians stop looking for blame, the bankers swallow each other up, and the so called investment advisors get real jobs, then mathematical reality deems we are still at the tip of the iceberg. The proof of this is that with all the ficticous trillions gone from stock markets and the trillion plus so far so called Govt bailouts the markets are still in free fall and obviously being driven only by fear and emotion. On a postive note, if you OWN your home, have no debt, are cashed up excluding super which you can't touch anyway (which is by far the minor populace) then you are in a really good position.

I thought the article below was an interesting read:

October 3, 2008 (LPAC)--The Paulson bailout bill with a vote of 263 to 171, was accomplished by fraud.

When the Congress, including both major Presidential candidates, told their constituents that the bailout was necessary, they didn't mention that among the major institutions lining up to be bailed out are foreign interests. British, Dutch, and Spanish banks are all lining up to demand hundreds of billions of dollars from the U.S. taxpayers.

"They lied." "And when the average citizen confronts his Representative on this fraud, the politician will just say, 'We lied. They told us we had to do it, and we lied.'''

The result of the bailout will be to bring on devastating hyperinflation, and an explosion within the American population, akin to that which characterized the French Revolution. "Don't you see the hatred rapidly building up against Washington, in the people of the United States?''.

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So is it a good time to sell my house with the way the world market is today??

I've owned it for 3 years, payed minimum repayments on a 5 year fixed loan term with 2 years to go, paid $330,000 & today it's worth ~390,000, I'm 23, have no kids or partner & a $20,000 loan on my car. I'm sh*tting myself watching the news lately & don't know what I should be doing??

Any help please :ladysman:

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