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:crybaby: $2,600+ is what I'm going to get if/when I get that 2&1 FIFO job in Port Headland. that's working 12 hour days out in a camp in the bush :( but it's closer to $3k once all the allowances etc are included which makes it :)

What I've done for the last two weeks in Harvey was about $1,600 per week plus allowances (I didn't get the camp allowances because I stayed in the pub with the other new guy rather than camp - it was full)

But yep If I stay down in Harvey I'm going to get a permanant NA XR6 as part of my pay package.... that's really only because I'll be doing other run around company work for my Dad wile Im down there, but the car will be mine :)


Kael :spoton:

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Esky I don't come close to that atm, If I was staying in the railway camp where I have been working for the 2 weeks before last, I would have been on close to $2k once all the camp/meal allowances & O/T was paid, but I wasent in camp so that sheared it down to about $1,600 for each week that I was there.

I plan on getting onto this job building a railway line that's supposedly starting soon as the tender just went through the other week, on that job I'll be looking at close to $3k per week (remembering that all allowances are tax free which helps the cleared wage)... that's the Port Headland job, 12 hour days 2&1 FIFO :spoton:

EDIT: Yes Dean I'm permanant casual, we get a 20% casual loading on all out standard hours but no leave apart from christmas time and work related injury etc etc. All my dads guys are permanant casual, dude trust me most of them have mortages/flash cars so I know you can still get a loanskie... but knowing the banks they would enjoy making it more of a :crybaby:

Edited by Kael
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Fairo Mate :spoton:

Good coin out there as long as your prepared to live in a hot, smelly dump and work insane hours vast distances from home, as Im sure your aware working up in Kal atm. But yep $130K for working the Harvey job I wish :crybaby::spoton:

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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12hrs a day insane hours.............pffft. Try working 7 week stints 14 to 16 hours on a short day sleeping in your ute at night.

That'l put hair on your gonads.

What exactly are you doing up there Kael?

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Esky I don't come close to that atm, If I was staying in the railway camp where I have been working for the 2 weeks before last, I would have been on close to $2k once all the camp/meal allowances & O/T was paid, but I wasent in camp so that sheared it down to about $1,600 for each week that I was there.

I plan on getting onto this job building a railway line that's supposedly starting soon as the tender just went through the other week, on that job I'll be looking at close to $3k per week (remembering that all allowances are tax free which helps the cleared wage)... that's the Port Headland job, 12 hour days 2&1 FIFO :spoton:

EDIT: Yes Dean I'm permanant casual, we get a 20% casual loading on all out standard hours but no leave apart from christmas time and work related injury etc etc. All my dads guys are permanant casual, dude trust me most of them have mortages/flash cars so I know you can still get a loanskie... but knowing the banks they would enjoy making it more of a :crybaby:

Good luck with it & hopefully you're in one sooner rather then later :spoton:

34 weeks x $3k = $102,000 based on 2 on 1 off.

$130k was based on working year round @ $2600 per week.

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I stand corrected 14-16 hours = insane :crybaby:

Down in Harvey Im a sh1tkicker... I started collecting the fastenings (jewellery) from the rails on "track up" and laying them down on "track down" (really boring repedative BS work)

In the 2nd week I did some slightly better stuff like operating one of the clamping machines that forced the clips (jewellery) into it's clamping position and I did a little bit of work aligning sleepers with an iron bar as part of a 3 man crew just behind the track laying machine.

The project it's self is the re-sleepering of the Brunswick-Alcoa section of the "SW main"

EDIT: I gotta run to next class but cheers guys & Dean :spoton:

Edited by Kael
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