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Vx R8 Vs Falcon Turbo


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  • cj_ak
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take him on!!

next time your at the pub, tell him to come outside with you for a quick run (before you start drinking of course)

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Being a former LS1 Expensive Daewoo owner I can tell you that to get my Monaro's RWKW over the magic "300RWKW" required a 230+ duration cam with around 600 thou lift and 112 LSA , valve springs to suit ,double row timing chain, hardened push rods, larger throttle body , 1- 3/4" headers with twin 2-1/2 inch full exhaust system , a new fuel pump , a good tune and rev it to 7000 RMP!! Injectors were on the limit at that level.

Car was M6 ran 12.2@114mph...................but also needed Texstalia clutch , 3.9 diff gears and MT's to run that!!

Spent considerably less on the Phoon and it has 88rwkw more and run 11.2@124mph.......glad to be back in the Fords!!!

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Is this some disease commy drivers have?

My mate drives a shat box, a VR commodore, that smashes V8 (running nothing more than the standard engine, and a straight through exhaust - oh and of course no restrictor caps <idiot>) and no matter who takes him on, he smashes them...

Not to mention he assures me, his car made all those years ago, is faster than the current commodores now... I like to think when anyone makes a "newer more improved model" that the engine gets improved, and I say to him "if it is so good then sh*t Expensive Daewoo mays well stick to that engine, screw the V8 line up and all that R&D - your engine is the pinnicale after all... so why build more after it?"

Not to mention, (and I think this is what got the little fella a bit mixed up) he has removed the restrictor caps from his air intake - because that adds around 20RWKW as I am assured by him - because it is a "power restrictor cap so that old ladies don't have accidents when they drive it" - however it doesn't have an (mass airflow meter) air intake meter - which I have told him is why they stick that thing in the car, so it doesn't get too much air to drown the engine out, so now his car doesn't idle, and if in reverse and turning the steering wheel the car will stall.

Why do they all seem to be such idiots? and full of sh*t? lol

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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Mate, just ignore them and don't argue. It is not worth the minutes of your life you will never get back. I had guys telling me their "xyz worked thingy" would be a match for my 500+rwkw F6..............

Its hard to have a battle of the wits with someone who is clearly unarmed......

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  • The Cleaning Dudes Ute
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When the LS engines drop the single cam/pushrod setup then I'll be interested.

Until then :spoton:

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  • Member For: 16y 6m 19d
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OMG and here I am thinking I was alone in my encounter with "Late model camira people like that" - its amazing, we all must be talking about the same person :titwave: - and yes indeed, they are unarmed when it comes to any sense or intelligence... in their case, a brain cell would be dangerous lol

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  • Cryptic Clothing Company
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ahaha I had a lil run in last nite down at maccas.. this guy has a vx ss.. a ls1... and he claims that he wants to race me and he will absolutly kill me.. so im like what ya done to it? and he said.. stroker, cat back exhuast, ss induction kit and she puts out 400 rwkw :bum: I was like.. dude that's not rite... and was soo sure of him self and and claims he had the dyno to prove it.. and I spent ages explaing to him.. they come stock with 225kw at the flywheel. no way he could double his power on them mods.. this guy was just soo frustrating.. just wanted to :titwave:

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  • Azzman
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haha oh I hate it! do ya reckon you could have taken him with your 263rwkw? I dont think these people understand what you have to do to an N/A Engine to get decent power, even if it is an 8! doing 1 thing wont do it, you need to do several things to promote better flow amongst many other things. Some people just dont get it.

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