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From what I've read venting a BOV to atmosphere is illegal because once air goes past the air filter for the engine it must pass through the catalytic converter.

Its an EPA thing. All engine emissions must pass through the cat.

Turbo side intake with the bov plumbed back in before the air filter sounds like an atmo version but its technically legal.

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So blocking the BOV is illegal?

I thought because it wasnt venting back into the atmo it should be like the stock plumb back just running through the CAI instead of the cooler?

Yeah according to the EPA blocking the BOV is also ilegal. Victoria is one of the worst states, according to a phone call I made to the epa you cant even move the standard airbox from its original location and put it somewhere else

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From what I've read venting a BOV to atmosphere is illegal because once air goes past the air filter for the engine it must pass through the catalytic converter.

Its an EPA thing. All engine emissions must pass through the cat.

Turbo side intake with the bov plumbed back in before the air filter sounds like an atmo version but its technically legal.

But it's not an "Engine emission" is it? It hasn't been in the engine yet.

And turbo sides are illegal too because you can't run oiled filters, aka K&N. Also you can't run ANY pod with an upgraded cooler. Basically everything is Illegal as these days we are all hoons and it's slowly becoming a criminal act to modify your car.

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  • Member For: 14y 11m 26d
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  • Location: Muswellbrook, NSW

Yes once it passes the the air filter it is classed as an engine gas. This is from my understanding of QLD rules.

Due to;Air from BOV or Air Bypass Valve contains a small percentage of highly pressurized recirculatory gases from breather pcv & turbo charger which are fed back into the intake & may contain unburnt engine gases,oils, vapours, etc and therefor Atmo's are in contradiction with Vehicle Emisions Standards & the EPA Act.

Rules state to state differ. Eg, Pod filter is legal in QLD as long as it is attached to the car body. Pod filter in NSW is legal if it is in its own box.

VIC rules suck - http://epanote2.epa.vic.gov.au/EPA/publications.nsf/2f1c2625731746aa4a256ce90001cbb5/c90ec843f3bbbe8fca256d9f00181c59/$FILE/1031.pdf

There is no 2 intake mod rule in QLD and oiled filters are allowed

Edited by RynoF6
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What I find that's bullsh*t is that we are in the same country, why is it that every state can be different, its all such crap to me.

Here in Victoria we cant even fart without getting EPA'd

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Ok, I'm gonna try and clear this up for everyone. I'm a mechanic by trade, but I really could just be anyone so you can choose not to take my word for it.

FAST-XR was pretty much on the money. Later model cars have engines fitted with Positve Crankcase Ventilation Valves (PCV). What these do is allow for the changes in volume within the crankcase due to the engine oil heating up/cooling down (expanding/contracting) thus changing the volume of air within the engine. The PCV allows air to pass in and out of the engine when the volume changes due to what I explained before so there is not any undue pressure build up/vacuum resulting in power loss caused by this pressure/vacuum acting against pistons on a downward or upward stroke.

So when the volume changes, the air travels through the PCV and out through the breather (on top of your rocker cover) and is usually plumbed back to a part of the intake (anywhere after the air filter). The reason for this, when the engine crank is rotating, it churns up the oil as it spins. This causes some of the oil to change state into a vapour. And remember no engine is perfect so along with this vapour, there will be blow-by gasses which will include carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, and unburnt hydrocarbons (fuel) all off which come under the 'emissions' tag. All this comes out the PCV.

So..... when the blow-off valve opens and if its vented to atmosphere you are allowing emissions out that have not been recirculated back through the engine and passed through your catalytic converter.

It has nothing to do with what kind of intake sensor there is on the ford because all air coming in is measured so close to the intake manifold, the ECU can accomodate for any changes. This is why everything is plumbed back before the sensor, so it is able to measure everything as accurately as possible.

Hope this has been able to clear things up for everyone.

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