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To Nulon Or Not To Nulon?


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  • Member For: 16y 3m 22d
  • Location: Perth

Hey fellas, in terms of anti friction/wear I use Microglide. For older engines that want a bit of love, I use PROMA

Any decent oil is good enough when using a good addative. I'm not a big fan of Nulon products, they're good for a cheap brand, but are just that..

I've seen petrol cars running like diesels because of adding nulon.

It seems like alot of people on this forum do like Nulon, and each are entitled to their own opinions and options.. But I prefer quality.. $77/litre for Microglide and I use 50-75ml/litre of oil. Oil wont break down at pressures of 120ft/lbs+ Good for engines, power steering, manuals (special product for autos), non LSDs.

PROMA is equally good, but is better for older engines, gearboxes, non LSDs

I use Redline Water Wetter religiously, why risk your car with glycol?

Redline oils are good, but we always use Microglide with them.

We had an oil pick up break off early in a race, and the car ran flawlessly, so we pushed on thinking it was an electrical fault. After the race we realised the engine was bone dry so we swapped engines before the next race. When we got home we pulled the engine down and found the broken pickup in the sump. We expected the cylinders, big end bearings etc to be scored and burnt white. But upon inspection found everything to be as good condition as it was when we built the engine at the start of the season. Despite the fact we had new bearings to put in, there was no point, the originals were in such good condition we put them back in, welded up the oil pick up, and finished and won the race season. Without Microglide that engine may never have revved again.

That is in an engine that never drops below 4000rpm, I highly doubt that engine would have been worth taking home if it had nulon in it..

But that's my 2 cents worth..



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