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Top Gear Australia Sneak Peak


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That show was a pile of cold :spoton: (it's not good enough to rate as steaming)

The presenters clearly have very real knowledge of cars at all. Highlighted by the fact that that tool Cox said he'd like to see the F6 body with the HSV motor in it for the ultimate car! What the?? Replace the best motor ever put in an Aussie production car with an inferior American motor!

The F6 test was utter rubbish and the HSV was given a half car length head start (but it was good to see the massive speed difference it had when the seless driver got it going). Where were the Stig's lap times in them too? And the brake test, lets get two different drivers, talking to each other on a walky talky to try and see how each car stops. Then to sit on the fence, trying to justify that the HSV was quicker at legal road speeds was just moronic.

To top it all off, I was cringing at their utter disrespect for cars when they trashed those three new utes with no real conclusion at the end of it. Also, why use an XR6 with a 600kg (max) load capacity, when you could use a 1 tonner?

The Smart car herse was funny, but pointless.

I don't see this show lasting, and it serves them right if it doesn't.

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I actually enjoyed last nights episode a lot more than I did week 1. I thought the 3 presenters did a better job of being themselves (is it really that hard to be yourself anyway?) and I enjoyed the fact that more camera time was given to the Ford GT when it was being timed around the track as opposed to last week when we barely saw the cars on the track.

I agree that it would have been good if they timed the F6 and HSV around the track too with the Stig driving and not just drifting them around. MOTOR magazine always gives us good numbers to crunch with respect to 0-100, 1/4 mile and brake tests so I think I can forgive the fact that such data was excluded.

Still not as good as Top Gear UK but it was at least bareable last night

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  • Dr. Speed
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Your all a bunch of FU_KING whingers!

We are all car enthusiasts - isn't it enough that we watch the show to see some interesting/different/fast/funny cars get thrashed around? Obviously not for some people.

Clearly it isn’t as good as UKTG – No sh1t sherlock - they have had how many years to refine their product? Watch some of the early eps of that and it was rubbish also!!

You’re all saying it should be canned? Then we have no car shows to watch… UKTG is between seasons... Let’s all watch Mr Sale of the Century road testing a Magna or those fu_king retards on South Park instead – what a great idea.

While this show is not perfect I think they are on their way to satisfying our need to see - CARS! Give them a chance! That is the common denominator for us watching the show – the cars.

GT40 rocked, F6 will clearly flog an R8 and lots of sideways action from both, destroying 3 brand new cars in a giant gold mine is vintage UKTG, smart hearse was a little piss take segment – also a UKTG favorite.

So how about I get you all a tissue to soak up those tears and neatly press your pink dresses – I think there is a new ep of McLeod’s Daughters coming on soon, you will all be keen to see that… :spoton:

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Your all a bunch of FU_KING whingers!

We are all car enthusiasts - isn't it enough that we watch the show to see some interesting/different/fast/funny cars get thrashed around? Obviously not for some people.

Clearly it isn’t as good as UKTG – No sh1t sherlock - they have had how many years to refine their product? Watch some of the early eps of that and it was rubbish also!!

You’re all saying it should be canned? Then we have no car shows to watch… UKTG is between seasons... Let’s all watch Mr Sale of the Century road testing a Magna or those fu_king retards on South Park instead – what a great idea.

While this show is not perfect I think they are on their way to satisfying our need to see - CARS! Give them a chance! That is the common denominator for us watching the show – the cars.

GT40 rocked, F6 will clearly flog an R8 and lots of sideways action from both, destroying 3 brand new cars in a giant gold mine is vintage UKTG, smart hearse was a little piss take segment – also a UKTG favorite.

So how about I get you all a tissue to soak up those tears and neatly press your pink dresses – I think there is a new ep of McLeod’s Daughters coming on soon, you will all be keen to see that… :roflmbo:

Well said. I also doubt the people saying they wont watch it again will continue to watch it as there is fark all else to watch on a Monday night on tv, most of the time even Foxtel!!!

It is clear it will never be as good as UK version, even UK version of 5th gear is not fully at all and more about the actual cars!!

Edited by INASNT
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It was good for the first ep - fairly entertaining I thought. But once again, they sit on the fence about Expensive Daewoo V Ford. The way they tested those things was just a bit of fun to me, with lots of tyre warming going on! If they're going to compare a one cars performance against another, they need to do it properly.

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  • Sucker
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That's all well and good...still farkin lame though. Wouldn't be hard to do a better job especially considering that they have an awesome mother show for inspiration.

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