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My First Dint - Compliments Of A Wicked Woman...


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I feel the frustration I think people having kids should teach them good manners and respect for other property I have an 8 and 9 year old who know better so the parents are to blame not the kids....... I was tee boned in my ED XR6 by a stupid woman in her unregistered un-roadworthy Late model camira wagon the car was a write off and the first thing her boy friend said was she's not insured so I was not pleased they did not offer help to get out of my car or ask are you alright no nothing she was a dole bludging (Low Income) FAMILY NOT MY FAULT and she got away with it because well I do not know but the car is still dead..... An up shot my wife liked the first XR6 she agreed with me to get the T and wow I love my car!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by mitchbek
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Great outcome mate! I had the same happy results with a few dings removed by PDRTEK in Melbourne (see my thread about the PDR process).

I park at the far end of the car park when going to shopping centres etc, always at the end of the bay if possible (next to pole or kerb etc) to minimise risk of getting dents...

Never ceases to amaze me the F$#ckwits that will park right up next to me, when Im a 5 min walk to the shops entrance, and theres no other car within 50 meters!

My wife is also well trained in the art of the perfect park....havent received a scratch or dent in over a year...touch wood

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Cant beleive the cops saying the family are from a low income group and to give them a break.

Yes... neither could I especially when I found out they live in a mansion located in one of the better estates in our area. "Yes officer, I feel so sorry for them because they're downgrading from their $1.4 million dollar property to PROBABLY a million dollar property". They don't believe shiny cars are important? What about they're mansion?

What got me even more wound up was that when the insurance company contacted them they apparently told them "the car was in the shop, and that they weren't even there". So I contact the police station to get the report (time/location) I made and HEY F%CKING SURPRISE SURPRISE - the cops tell me there was no report made and they can't locate it!!! So essentually I spent 30 minutes waiting in the station to make a report that now doesn't exist... Jesus I wonder how many criminals get off because of such incompetence.

I can totally understand people dealing their own style of justice in these (and other) circumstances. While this chapter isn't closed for me just yet (biding my time :bravo:) I will definately be 'modifying' my behaviour if I encounter a similar situation in future.

Glad you got a decent end result mate, their $100 cover it???? :;

I haven't contacted them at all about the damage. They don't know who I am and I want it that way too. Insurance ended up paying it in the end, but I really didn't care at that stage. I don't know whether the company pursued the low lifes or not either, and RACQ won't tell me which is weird seen as though it was MY CLAIM. I'm thinking they probably just absorb the cost themselves for any claims under approx $300 because of the 'administration' costs associated with trying to get it back. I'd like to think they're dragging their @sses through small claims and that they're feeling some of the inconvenience I felt.

The downside with them paying it is that ALL YOUR (our) insurance goes up to cover it in the end...

All and all though I'm just releaved its all over and the cars back to original. I'm also glad others could vent so we can all 'council' each other on the perrils of owning appreciated, cared for cars... Keep the stories coming!

(We almost need a shame website to point these turds out...)

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mate that is a frustrating story. we had a star track courier truck reverse into my dads car and they denied it claiming that the job number had been issued to a van, but was bullsh!t because they had delivered 5 pallets of goods. it was quoted $3200 to fix. we had to go through so much crap, contacting police and lawyers, until finaly we managed to get security vision from the company we were parked outside, which shows THEIR TRUCK, reverse into the car, driver get out, look around, shrug his shoulders, and drive off. contacted the company with this info and straight away they accepted responsibility. bastards

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I had my T for three days when some worthless little :wasklywabbit: got to close on his push bike (I like to think because he was admiring it...but I'm guessing it was multiple generations of inbreeding which left him with very litttle co-ordination). Lucky the sh*t had plastic pedals and still had the rubber hand grips cos most of it buffed out. My mirror had been pushed against the driver's window and two foot long black marks on my white car. I was ropeable!!! Good to hear the good outcome MADF6 and now know where to go to fix the small mark left after a good buff and the one on the car when I bought it. Unfortunately I didn't have the pleasure of seeing the little sh*t stain do it. I too am a strong believer in vigilante justice especially when it's cold and calculated AND untraceable. Good luck in your future offensive against happy happy God boy, his :hohoho: of a wife and litter of twats

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