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Random Back Fire When Starting

Guest potai

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Guest potai
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Has anybody had a random back fire when starting?

Today the car has'nt started cleanly on two different occassions. The second time a huge back fire type noise, clouds of smoke from under the bonnet and has'nt occurred again. 9,000km on the clock. Now seems to be idling at 1000rpm when before it was around 750rpm, no other symptoms.

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 25d
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Mine has done this on a couple of occassions, I have found that is was probably due to me not cranking it for long enough, being used to it starting straight off I dont crank it for long and if it doesn't fire it backfires, since making sure its started properly before I cease cranking it hasn't done it since. BTW ford fit a clamp to prevent the hose blowing off not sure what cops that pressure now?? (that hose being blown off maybe whats affecting the idle, get the dealer to check it)

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I had a similar problem last week-started it up,smoke bellowed from under the bonnet and idled at 2000rpm(had a friggin heart attack) I took it to the dealer Monday morning Yeah as NT turbo says, a hose had blown off just under the intercooler-took 20mins to put a new clamp on

May be yours is leaking and I would get your dealer to look at it

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I had the same problem 30km after I picked my car up I didnt even get home from the showroom when the Idle jumped up to 3500rpm. I took it straight back to the dealer and it turned out to be the throttle body.

On Friday night I started my car (3000km on the clock) and got a huge back fire and smoke bellowing out from the bonnet revs jumped up to 2000rpm. when I started the car Sat morning to take it to the dealer it was coughing and shaking the engine check light was on and I could not drive it. I had to get it towed up to the dealer.

I wont find out what the problem is until Monday but I will let you know> :angry: :(

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Guest potai
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Thanks guys,

Last night started the beast again and got the engine check light, eractic running and shaking, turned off, started again this time no engine check light, idle started at 2500rpm then dropped back to 1000rpm.

Also found when idling along the road at 50km/hr (about 1200rpm), knocked it in to neutral and the engine immediately idles up to 2500rpm (I.e. with no load).

Off to the dealer this morning so will let you know.

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  • Member For: 22y 3m 9d
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Yep for sure this is the hose thing!

When I was in the dealer having mine fixed, another guy bought his in with the same problem... seems common.

I think it's some breather hose, nothing major???

Anyway, if it hasn’t happened to you I'd suggest getting a clamp put on during your next service. It happened to me on the Friday before a long weekend, just before we were going away :spacecraft: Anyway it's fixed!

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Guest potai
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Initial diagnosis from the dealer is that the turbo has a stuffed "Check valve", anyway the wrong part has arrived so waiting, waiting, waiting.....

6hrs later dealer kindly took a turbo "check valve" out of a new demo car and fitted it to my trusty steed and has ordered another one from Ford parts. Apparently the check valve is used in the idle mechanism, somewhere between the turbo and the idle butterfly/stepper motor I'm told.

Anyways the backfire must have done it in, might pay for you to crank the motor a little longer when starting the beast to prevent any possible backfire.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • Member For: 22y 2m 9d

Same problem happened to me a couple of days ago. The car backfired on starting and then ran very rough for a few minutes. A pile of smoke appeared from under the bonnet.

The car seems to run OK now except for when it first starts, it now idles at around 2000rpm for about 5 seconds. It then settles down at around 900 rpm (slightly higher than before).

Where is this pipe that blows off located exactly.


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Ive had iffy starts, so what I now do is start it and dont letgo of the key till its running,ford have got some wizzbang tec that stops the starter motor from running on once the motor is running

Try it folks it works the first time is the hardest,you expect the crunch,grind run on,but it dont happen.


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