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Weird Wot Problem


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 18d

Hey guys

Think this has something to do with the weird idle problem I wrote about recently.

Was crusing in car other day in 3rd around the 2000rpm mark (6 speed manual). booted it to overtake a car and it got to about 3000rpm n cut out. Started running like it was on 2 cyls.

If I clutch it and give it a rev cleans up but does same thing again around 3000rpm.

Now the weird part is. If I drop back a gear and revs go over 3k it will rev and pull perfectly all the way through rev range.

And tried recently from stand still WOT through as many gears as I could (private road ofcourse) and it went perfect. No splutter no cut out nothing.

Any ideas.



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I have had a problems a few times where I pin it and when it gets to about 4K it hit a fuel cut for a sec or 2 and then powers on to redline

only did it in second and 3rd and only when running 16psi on 14psi it didnt do it.....Maybe it was running out of fuel maybe the plugs were breaking down....who knows.....its hard to know what that sorta thing is, depends on lots like age of car age of parts, weather, does it do it all the time blab blab blab

I had a mate whos xr6t would have a miss around 3k but that was just the plug gaps....

Edited by orangeute338
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been having this problem alot.. even at stock.. new coils & plugs but maybe I stuffed up the plug gaps or something.. it was running like 2cylinders for up to a minute at times.. seems pretty bad, thinking of taking it to ford though I dunno if I feel like getting ripped..

waiting for a new clutch before I can go get a good proper tune though.. :(

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  • Member For: 16y 7m 18d

hey guys

sorry for late reply. Have been away with work.

Car has 50,000kms on it. Is dead stock no mods what so ever. so isnt a tune or nefin.

Is weird I find that if ya pin it at 2k it will cut around 3k. but from idle it will rev right out. no issues whatso ever through all gears (or as many as I could without breaking land speed record lol)

Might go get it checked out at ford soon and let yas know whats going on.



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