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Beep Sound Behind The Cluster

quick xr6

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1st of all hi on my bf xr6 turbo if you drive and forget to close the door proply you get 3 beeps behind the cluster mine today beeped once in the morining and after work check every thing door were closed. Can some one help. 2nd of all when I start the car in the morning .It sounds like it running rich for a few second than fine.But if I put the red on you hear the fuel pump pump for a few seconds. if I put the reds on and off 2 to 3 times it start mad. The car has a custom tune with seiman injector sorry about the spelling

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Hey mate, the beeps could be from the boot being open. I know its happened to me before - I must have bumped the boot button in my pocket or something - so just check to make sure the boot is closed and latched.

With the running rich thing, its probably because the engine is very cold and its trying to get up to temp quickly. The fuel pump is jut priming (getting the fuel up to the fuel rail and through the pump before the car starts)

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thanks. But if I start it I the morning 1st go the cold start its rough but if I turn the red on and off 2 to 3 times cold start A1 sorry to repeat my self again maybe I did not explain my self correct

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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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G'day George, as for the beeps, im not sure but I'll give it a go in the morning and report back.

As for 'running rich', how does one actually judge if an engine is 'running rich'? what does it sound like?


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  • Well-Hard Bangin' Member
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definately getting three beeps when the boot is open and driving. do you mean it beeped once as in "Beep", or it beeped once as in one set of beeps "beep beep beep"??


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thanks. But if I start it I the morning 1st go the cold start its rough but if I turn the red on and off 2 to 3 times cold start A1 sorry to repeat my self again maybe I did not explain my self correct

Someone tell me what a "red" is?

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it may still be the boot beeping. because of the weight of it often it wont beep until you bump down a kerb or something. it will only beep once if the boot opens for a second, then rests back on the latch.

as for the rough start if you only prime it once, perhaps it is the fuel filter? a flooded burbling sounds a bit similar to an starving burble imo..

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